Kevin William David

BeTimeful 2.0 - Save 2 hrs daily by making your social media less addictive

BeTimeful removes the distracting elements from social media + YouTube so you can stay connected, not distracted!
Join 1000s of users from all over the 🌎 using BeTimeful to do more in less time. Available on Safari, Mobile coming soon!

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Naveed Rehman
Very much needed! Congratulations on the launch :)
Anna Filou
“Does this only work with chrome broswer? BeTimeful works on every browser!” But on the website there only an “Add to Chrome” button. 😅 I see there’s a macOS app as well, and I suppose that’s the Safari extension. But no Firefox?
Daniyal Dehleh
@anna_0x Correct, on every browser except firefox :D Mobile coming soon!
Anna Filou
@daniyal_dehleh please add Firefox too! Or at least (until then) don’t say it “works on every browser” ;)
Samuel Stroschein
@daniyal_dehleh Three questions: 1. Why does the Chrome extension need to read the browser history. 2. Why does the Chrome extension need my email address? 3. Why do I need to create an account for the mobile app?