Better Sheets
Make Better Google Sheets
Andrew Kamphey
OnlySheets by Better Sheets β€” Sell access to any Google Sheet
Sell access to a google sheet without sharing with the whole INTERNET. Easy to set up via Gumroad.
Using gumroad ping, this sheet's script captures all sales and matches the sale with a sheet you assign in. Then gives viewer access to the buyer.
Scott Rogers
Congrats πŸ‘ on shipping and getting good coverage on Product Hunt
This is soo cool! Two part question: Does it work on Google Data Studio? If so, can you set access to expire after # of days? I
Ken Savage
Andrew released us and I bought into it immediately seeing how valuable this can be when partnered up with #gumroad. He also made it work with the other Google drive files soooo it’s super easy to start selling access to all those hidden files you have.
Andrew Kamphey
@kensavage and also looking into folders, and groups or bundles of sheets. It's now.
Andrew Kamphey
Selling my own google sheets templates I found it heartbreaking to know that everyone who bought it could share it freely. They are doing what seems right and helping to spread the word, but also cutting the seller out of the deal. This simple script and sheet helps a creator keep their sanity and sell access to a google sheet. It also works with Docs and Slides.
Alexey Strelkov
@kampheyapproved What exactly will stop people from sharing it with this script?
Ken Savage
@kampheyapproved thx for your guidance on this so far Andrew. Exciting to see this unfold to the world and where it goes.
Mike Ritchie
@kampheyapproved @data_greed right, they can just delete the script
Andrew Kamphey
@data_greed The original sheet doesn't have to be set to "share with internet" so it's harder for non users to get access. Also if you make a screenshare video, like I do, of sheets, you can do so without thinking someone will just write the sheet id/url and get access. If they do, they will get the "ask for access" screen. not the sheet itself.
Andrew Kamphey
@kensavage Lots of interesting questions now. Shopify, Airtable. Lots of directions it could go.. if I could code outside of google scripts. Opportunities for others potentially. Also Looking into doing folders and groups of sheets.
Mathieu Silverstein
Amazing. Does this only work with Gumroad ping, or could I send the buyer's email address from Zapier or something else to the script to adjust the sharing permission?
Andrew Kamphey
@matsilverstein You absolutely might be able to use Zapier. Zapier is awesome. I'd rather give an alternative to paying $35/month. OnlySheets solves one problem, has one price. I also have it working with Stripe (different code). And am looking into any other tools that have a webhook or a ping like gumroad /stripe. Anything that can send a json payload, can be accepted by a google script web app and parsed for their email address.
This is a great idea! Congrats Andrew.
Andrew Kamphey
@soheilpro Much appreciate your encouragement, Soheil
Morgan Giddings
What a great product! Wondering this too: "Two part question: Does it work on Google Data Studio? If so, can you set access to expire after # of days? " And can't the user just take a screenshot or does the application prevent screenshots?
Max Prilutskiy
Launching soon!
Hey, this one looks nice! πŸ‘
Andrew Kamphey
@prilutskiy You look nice too! Thanks Max.
Ni ✌🏾& ❀️
Can't wait to try this! Love that it is gumroad related
Andrew Kamphey
@ni_e_sha please do. How would you use it? do you already sell sheets on gumroad?
Welly Mulia
Simple yet useful tool. I love your retro video and how simple it was!
Andrew Kamphey
@welly_mulia Muchhhh appreciated Welly
Zoe Georgiou
A must for us sellers!
Curt Crowley
What happens if a person's Gumroad email is different than their Google account email address?
Andrew Kamphey
@curt_crowley1 Great question, Chaos ensues. Sorta Joking, but really you have to use the address you use for gsuite. If not, email me and I'll help you out. It's happened to less than 5% of people so far in the last week who have used OnlySheets. There's no work around right now because the code itself (and google) automatically validates the email. As far as I know there's no way for me to email you if google can't email you.
Mick Vermaat
Smart. Also love the intro video !
Andrew Kamphey
@mick_ver Love that you love it Mick!
Andrew delivers such high value, in the knowledge of how to make google sheets work for you. What he brings, enables getting so many things done, that you would normally not thing of, due to the time spend find out 'how to' in it self would render the time saved or benefit of the task a higher cost than just doing it "manually". But he shows how to enabling the power of sheets, that many knows are there but most don't knows or get around to harness. Such many brilliant ways to automate and otherwise time consuming tasks small or large :-) Yes, I know it shines trough that I am a fan, but take it for a spin and you'll join me ;-) - Besides Andrew is just the kind of guy that deserves good remarks as he brings a lot & in a super nice personal way.
Andrew Kamphey
@henrikt1 awww so nice Henrik. Thanks for the wonderful accolades. I hope OnlySheets helps many make much moolah!
@kampheyapproved - Yes. I am sure it will :-) - And I had serious thoughts, if to try to sabotage this Producthunt presentation or endorse it... You know sometimes you just want to keep the secret sauce for you self (as your secret advantage) - or share it as both the creator (you) and others deserve to know about & have access to it. Actually made it a hard decision ;-). Just kidding. You deserve (and we) to make this a success :-D Good luck (thou I am sure you don't need it)
Andrew Kamphey
@henrikt1 You had a convo with a devil and an angel on your shoulders! Great! Ask the tough questions.
Andrew Gluck
This is pretty cool. But can't any buyer-viewer copy the sheet and then share? @kampheyapproved
Andrew Kamphey
@irrvrntvc Yep. And they would be intending to "steal" but in this case it gives them a little road bump. And a owner of a sheet can disable copy and download by Viewer. So you can give literally only view access and that's it. more trouble comes from people who are trying to help the original owner. They share the sheet link as a goodwill thing. Letting others know about it. Or I as a maker want to make a screenshare video with my url showing. Now everyone can access the sheet. But if I don't give them access, they can't.
Marzooq Asghar
Smart product, cereal maker ;)
Andrew Kamphey
@marzooqasghar I just noticed that... yeah Serial... Maker... :P
Weldone Andrew. Love this product. Greater you.
Andrew Kamphey
@samsesin1 thhhhx sam!
Harrison from VC Guide
Best name. Full stop.
Andrew Kamphey
@vcguidehq You're the best!
Szymon Adamiak
Great name, useful product. Good luck!
Andrew Kamphey
@sadamiak Thx, and the name just hit a nerve, right?