Bevywise MQTT Broker - Connect Devices, Collect & Analyse Data & Visualize it
MQTTRoute is more than an MQTT Broker which provides storage of data at the backend and visualization of data. It makes your IoT Implementation much easier reducing Cost and speeding up the time to market. Plugins help choose your own storage options.
Bevywise IoT Simulator - Simulate IoT Devices to develop, test & demo real Device/App
Simple and powerful tool with all the flexibility to create a fake device that can match any real manufacturing, health care , home or any industry device. Create events and commands and behavior as real device. Helps build application with much lesser cost.
WIP Manager - Digitize your WIP tracking to reduce your manufacturing cost
A fully digitized WIP ( work-in-progress ) tracking tool to keep track of manufacturing work-in-progress. Monitor your work-in-progress at each process, each part, production type & production tracker level with support for Rejection, Rework & Scrap & Reports.
Bevywise IoT Platform - Securely monitor & manage millions of devices
The Scalable IoT Platform that makes it possible to connect millions of devices & applications to your hosted Application. Inbuilt with the multi-tenancy & user management functionalities. Customise your own dashboard by utilising the pre-built widgets.