Geoffrey Weg

GeoCities - Build your own website!

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Geoffrey Weg
While in high school back in 2001, I used GeoCities to build a website to showcase my friends. For some ridiculous reason I felt that we needed a web presence. GeoCities was a fun tool, but it paved the way for an important industry (led by companies such as Squarespace) that enable non-coders to establish a presence online.
Maya Prohovnik
@GeoffreyWeg Non-coders, psh, speak for yourself. I spent hours getting my animated gifs and marquee text working just right.
Geoffrey Weg
@mayafish You're talking to the "custom CSS" king, Maya. :-P
Krish Dholakiya
If you still miss GeoCities, check out
Ryan Hoover
Alright, everyone dig up your Geocities sites from the archive. We won't judge.... too much.