Bingie is a place to discover, discuss & share what to watch. We believe your friends know you better than any algorithm – that’s why we built an app for sharing binge-worthy picks with the people you know best.
I'm super excited to share this passion project on behalf of everyone at Bingie and Wonderful. This is the first iteration of Bingie, and we’ll be refining a ton in the coming weeks and months, with a host of new features on the horizon. Lemme know what you think – we’re open to feature suggestions too! 📺 🤘 🍿
I'm SO excited to build my watchlist. It's been so frustrating never knowing where I can find a show with so many platforms now. I just need some artsy-fartsy film nerds to be my friends on Bingie so they can totally geek out and send me suggestions 'til the cows come home! Moooooooooooooooooooovies please!!!
STREAM: Hack Your Conciousness