Dave McClure

Binpress 2.0 - Shopify for digital goods

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Adam Benayoun
Hey all! I'm Adam, co-founder and CEO at Binpress. If you have any feedback or questions – just ask and I'll make sure to answer them in a timely manner :) To give some background, we’ve just launched a new product based on what we’ve learned from four years of building a marketplace for open source and commercial code. Our new product is a complete solution for selling digital products online. For some further reading - you can see our TC coverage here: http://techcrunch.com/2015/02/03...
Darren J Smith
Why should I choose this over something like, say, Gumroad? :)
Adam Benayoun
@darrenux Hey Darren, That's a great question. Gumroad is great for simple use cases, for example you're selling an ebook and you want to collect payment for it. Binpress offer a more complete solution in case you're managing a business around your digital products (at this stage we support software but more digital product type are coming in the future). This is a list of some of the feature our platform offers: - An online storefront with different templates tailored around your product types (mobile app, desktop software and games*). You can brand your storefront and use custom domains. - A private area for your customers to manage their transactions, upgrade between different license tiers and receive support from the publisher. - Package management and versioning with product updates and client notifications. - License provisioning, verification, renewals* with support for different license tiers. (We have a license wizard that can generate licenses for your different tiers) - Marketing tools, analytics features and additional distribution channels such as publishing on our marketplace. I think Thomas summed it pretty well "Binpress is like Gumroad on steroids" :) - https://twitter.com/Hello_World/... Happy to provide you with more information if you'd like (you can reply here and I'll check later or email me directly at adam@binpress.com). *We're launching this really really soon.
Rohit Vashisht
Sounds like a great and logical extension to your model. I am sure you and Eran would make it successful too. All the best!
Adam Benayoun
@_techceo Thanks Rohit :)
Ben Lang
Top Product
Great job. What type of digital products is this intended for? What's the main difference between this and Gumroad?
Adam Benayoun
@benln Hey Ben - thanks for stopping by! Right now we're servicing all type of software (source code or end user) and adding more type soon (ebook, design assets etc..). The biggest difference is that we offer a complete solution for managing your business around selling digital goods - our platform offers: - A complete online storefront - License generation and provision with support for multiple pricing - Package management and versioning (with product updates and client notifications) - A private client area for managing purchases and technical support. - Additional marketing and distribution channels, including publishing on our marketplace which we've been running for over 4 years. All of these features are tightly integrated together and make it easy to not only sell your digital products to your customers, but also support them post-sale. Hope that answered your questions!
Yoni Dariel
Very cool! Quick question: do you support/plan to support mobile applications (native) at some point?
Adam Benayoun
@yonidariel Hey - can you clarify your question? Not sure I understand it :)
Rob Williger
This looks great, seems to be a lot going on in this space but seems the software side is the real difference in this one.
Adam Benayoun
@robertwilliger Robert - you are completely right - this is a very interesting and busy space because there is demand. Software is where we have an advantage right now since we've been operating our marketplace for 4 years and have used and improved many of the features we launched last week with our publishers. We are however planning on moving into new digital product types in the future.
Dave Nevogt
Awesome, congrats Adam.
Adam Benayoun
@dnevogt Thanks Dave! :)
Jared Brown
As with everything you do Adam this looks amazing.
Adam Benayoun
@jaredbrown Jared - appreciate the kind words!
Good luck with your new project! :)
Adam Benayoun
@nibbio Thanks Paolo :)
Thomas Petersen
As Apple limits the flexibility of what you can do via their Sandbox there will be a a bunch of apps that simply wont be possible to sell via their App store. For that Binpress seems like a perfect solution. Also as since they allow you to create a demo version it could be a perfect way to get access to some of those users who wanna try a product before they buy it.
Anjit K. Anand
Great team, great new developments! All the best:-)
Sydney Liu
Very clean design :)
George Yury Revutsky
This looks awesome.
Adam Benayoun
@george_revutsky Thanks George for the support! Really appreciate it.
Sterling Toth
Very nice
David Spinks
Woooo! Congrats on the new release Binpress. It's been awesome to see this product evolve over time. Still is one of my favorite companies out of our Batch 6 at 500. Question: what did your process look like for communicating these changes to all of your members since it's a pretty different product than what you were originally building. Did you have any backlash?
Adam Benayoun
@davidspinks Hey David - thanks for the kind words. We had no backlash because this new product actually was born out of requirements from some of our publishers - we just listened to them. Also with this new product, we're giving publishers more control over their purchases and user base - that's something they like :)