Kat Manalac

Bio Link - Claim your beautiful bio link that loads in less than 100ms

Bio Link is a powerful bio link tool designed for creators and makers. Since our beta launch 6 months ago, we now serve 170k creators and 4M monthly visitors.

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Jijo Sunny
Hey PH fam! 👋 Buy Me a Coffee founder here. We owe a lot to the PH community – when we first launched 4 years ago, BMC was just a side project. Never in a million years did we think we'd serve thousands of creators and payout eight-figures to fund their creative work. Today we are launching Bio Link, a powerful bio link tool for creators. We obsessed over speed and good design, and we hope you like it. :) Check out some of the pages: https://bio.link/austinarcher https://bio.link/acmilan https://vongaiofficial.bio.link https://afrochella.bio.link Next up on the roadmap: - Custom domain - Email subscribers - Emoji link as alias (😻💪💯.bio.link) - Native embeds such as contact form and gallery - Developer marketplace for 3rd party embeds like BMC, Shopify, etc. If you create a page (it's free and takes less than a minute), please drop your link in the comments and we’ll get you verified. ✅ Thanks for all your love and support!
Matt Jardine: award winning author and p
@jijosunny massive buymeacoffee and bio link fan. Just saying.
Arjan Tupan
@jijosunny I love BMC, and have been using bio.link for a while now. Loving it. Thanks for making these cool products. My bio.link page is here: https://bio.link/arjantupan
Daniel M.
@jijosunny very easy to use and to share. My Bio Link is https://daniconil.bio.link, people appreciate the this clean interface.
Jijo Sunny
@dmtlabs so good! ✅
John Espirian
I was lucky enough to discover this when they were just launching. Really like the look and feel. I know that LinkTree is the well-known name in this field but Bio Link is better IMO.
Jijo Sunny
@johnespirian So happy to hear that, John :)
Astha Rattan 🌊
have been using Bio Link for a while now, and absolutely love how reliable and user-friendly the experience has been! also, the design language is very neat and the customisations allow me the space to make it more "me" — compared to some other alternatives that I've checked out. totally recommend it. 🙌
Jijo Sunny
@astharattan Super kind of you. Thanks, Astha!
JB Rubinovitz
This is a gorgeous take on personal landing pages by one of the most creator centric, hardest working teams out there. Excited for the launch and to see how this evolves.
Jijo Sunny
@rubinovitz 💜💜 thanks, JB!
Vyshnav Gangadharan
Thanks for making this wonderful product. All the best 🙌
Jijo Sunny
@vyshnav Thanks for supporting us from day zero, Vyshnav! :)
Matt Jardine: award winning author and p
Literally love bio link. Perfect for all my fangly jangly links in one cool place.
Jijo Sunny
@thehardestpath Haha, I love a fangly jangly bio link!
Olga Rodriguez
I switched from another product (not free) to Bio Link. I think it has all that you need and it is really easy to use. Thank you for creating amazing products such as BMC and Bio Link!
Jijo Sunny
@olga_rodriguez1 Wow. Thank you, Olga!
Pranab Buragohain
Been using it for 5 months now and love it! Turned it into my primary domain to share around. Can't wait for custom domain feature. https://pranab.bio.link/ A small issue I face though, is the SSL error it throws when someone prepends a www. Good luck fellas! 🙌
Jijo Sunny
@pranabgohain Amazing! Re www, you can't add a www when you're using the subdomain (that would be like two subdomains).
Matthew L. Schwartz
@pranabgohain I'm finding this a great resource as a primary domain - don't get me wrong, I love my website, but having a one-stop landing that can also get people to whatever social media account of mine they want to engage on is awesome!
Tomas Antonok
Love the interface!
Jijo Sunny
@antovtok Glad you like it, Tomas!
Bio Link is THE app to bundle all your links in a neat little package! Custom themes, icons, embedded content and even GiF's make Bio Link an amazing platform That provides a unique experience for the people you share it with! In addition to that the stats menu is incredibly helpful and lends some insight into what links are viewed and clicked on the most, so you can improve upon the experience given even more. I have used Bio Link as a creator for a while now and can whole heartedly recommend it to any Content Creator (or really anyone 😅) wanting to step up their game. Also the team is incredibly helpful, very enjoyable to contact and filled with incredibly talented people! 🥰
Jijo Sunny
@swagbraham <3 Damn, thanks for the glowing review!
Umer Sufyan
Amazing product, been seeing it around a lot lately. great work @jijosunny
Jijo Sunny
@umer_sufyan1 Thanks, Umer! Drop your link if you ever make a page. :)
Riddhi Dagli
@jijosunny Congratulations on the launch!!! I will definitely give this a try and all the best for it :D
Jijo Sunny
@riddhi_dagli Thanks, Riddhi!
Blazing Minds (🎬🍌)
Absolutely love Bio Link and have been an early adopter of the app/website. It's fast, reliable and looks amazing. Highly recommended.
Jijo Sunny
@blazingminds Thank you, you're one of the first 100 users!
Nick Stevens
@jijosunny Thanks for making this - I just went through the super smooth signup process: https://bio.link/nickstevens A Placeholder for Hey! World url for those of us who use Hey! email for hosting our blog/newsletter stuff would be good. I'm also curious about the business model. Is it the data you're interested in, or are you exploring ways to make it sustainable in a more ethical way?
Jijo Sunny
@clogish Great feedback, Nick! Re business model, we (Buy Me a Coffee) are a profitable company and the idea was to build this for all our creators. We're also building an email broadcast feature which will be paid. We're a creator-first company and would never sell data. :)
Nick Stevens
@jijosunny That's great to hear - and if I may suggest, adding this information to the product home page creates a level of transparency that will help you to stand out in the crowd and increase conversion. Keep up the good work :)
Jijo Sunny
@clogish You're right. Thanks, Nick!
Piotr Pawłowski
Congrats on your launch! Bio Link is amazing!
Jijo Sunny
@piotr_pawlowski Thanks, Piotr!
Sandra Djajic
Looks like a visually pleasing product that's easy to implement, although I can't help but liken it to another app like Linktree, what do you think are the main differences between Bio Link and Linktree/other bio linking apps?
Jijo Sunny
@maxine_buchert Not to take anything away from Linktree (I'm a huge fan of what they've accomplished), but I'd say Bio Link is designed for creators which led to many unique product decisions. Such as putting your brand at the center (favicon, subdomain), ownership, and features like iOS and Android apps.
Lee Launches
My favourite bio link tool and the one I use! Amazing makers! Congrats on the Launch @jijosunny and BMC team! Here is mine > https://bio.link/leelaunches
Jijo Sunny
@leelaunches Thanks, Lee -- you're the best! <3
Kim Salmi
Very slick 🎉 I built my profile in under 1min: https://infr.bio.link/
Jijo Sunny
@infr So cool! I just verified your page. ✅
Matteo Saracino
Just received a mail about Bio Link page in PH, with a "Thanks again for being an early adopter of Bio Link" at the end. Well, thanks to you! 🙂 I'm using Bio Link since a few weeks for my icon packs and really like it (link: https://bio.link/suitcaselabs). I also set up my links on a similar product but I'm liking Bio Link more: I've set it as the main page that my custom domain redirects to and as the main link in my Twitter bio. It is very easy to set up, with a clean UI and good UX. Recommended! 👏
Jijo Sunny
@samaspotion 🔥 💪 ❤️
N S Rawat (Nagendra)
I'm using bio.link around two weeks now and I love the way it's simple and clear user interface also, the design language is very neat and the customisations, all the features I personally love it and really recommend it. this is my link- https://bio.link/insrawat
Jijo Sunny
@insrawat Love it! Thanks for the glowing rec.