Email paywall
Eric Willis
Bitbounce — Email paywall

Email paywall

Ouriel Ohayon
I absolutely urge you NOT to use this service. i naively connected my account and hoped it would do good. I will say for sense of disclosure i have been trying thousands of services and contributed significantly to this community here. But i have *never* seen something like that. and worse how the company management deal with this. I smelled something was wrong when they asked full gmail permissions but also when they asked permission to DEBIT my coinbase account. But today i discovered that this service is automatically mailing any incoming email getting your way with a ransom to pay get your email through.
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I was furious to discover this. I immediately logged in to their service to stop that and delete my account. There is no way to do that. I deactivted my gmail account and contacted their support to do so. I then receive an answer from someone who appears to be their CEO who claims he was "transparent" about this assumed hack... which i was supposed to know and be ok with ( i was supposed to know it from "PH" as he calls it, like everyone knows PH is PRODUCT HUNT). And this person arrogantly goes on justifying with white gloves this is a transparent HACK. I also discovered that in order to cut the gmail permission they are using a different name on the app so that it is harder to find it in google settings (hint: it s called TURING). I will say this: this is the typical behavior of companies who are ready to do anything to get growth and momentum, probably before their ICO.
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They check all the wrong marks from hacks to how they re not even apologizing. Typical bad company This company 's mission is to STOP spam. They actually create more spam, destroy trust and help a little more creating the bad atmosphere that lately this space is witnessing ps: their CEO was aware of the problem a month ago...fixed nothing...hacks pays out...apparently from this community discussion i am not the only one to have been fooled
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Ouriel Ohayon
Because of the attitude of their CEO i decided to publish the whole story in detail. This is exactly what not to do
Justin Mitchell
So i didn't see issue with the Gmail permissions, but holy crap scary coinbase permissions. Buy on my behalf AND send $1 a day. I'm out.
Zyad Sherif
Google auth redirect_uri_mismatch .. might wanna check that
Ernie Smith
This product should not exist. These guys make email worse.
Ross Currie
Reading through the comments here, I really feel like this is something that should've been run through betalist first, before posting on PH, to really iron out permissions, etc. That said, it's basically a whitelist-only webmail (Gmail, Outlook, etc.) add-on that allows non-whitelisters to pay to be whitelisted, right? My main issue with this is that there are plenty of 'unsolicited' e-mails I get from people that aren't in my contact list, that aren't sending me spam. Eg, if I list an e-mail address on a website for people to contact me - that's gonna get scraped by spammers and used for legitimate business enquiries. Are there any smarts behind this that further distinguish between spam and mail from people not in my whitelist?
Arieh Movtady
Love it
Andrew Wooldridge
Yes, I initially signed up , but then basically undid everything (authenticationwise) when I really thought about what I'm giving you permission do to. I think there's a trust issue that you're going to have to go through. Plus, I see nothing about pricing for this service. Perhaps you mention it on sign up, but it's impossible to find afterward. ....
Seth Louey
I actually signed up and then stopped the process at the Coinbase auth. So if I'm reading this right, you are going to pull $1 USD from my account every day? Is that correct?
Nick Frost
@sethlouey @macgregordennis Can you add context to this?
Seth Louey
@thinker @macgregordennis there is a daily deposit authentication within Coinbase. Not sure where the money is going. I get the BTC auth deposits into your account, but why is my account sending USD?
@macgregordennis @sethlouey @thinker Why involve Coinbase at all? Just let the user set any BTC address of their choosing.
Stewart Dennis
@_sklahr_ @sethlouey @thinker Thanks for the suggestion. I'm considering that option, though there could be additional compliance requirements and security risks. Coinbase is a great company and I hope to maintain a strong partnership with them for the long-term.
Chris Cates
Yay! Keep up the great work!
Sam Sexton
It's a novel idea but I think it's shortsighted. First of all, The white list assumes that you know the addresses of everyone that you may want to send email to you. So if that long lost family member gets in touch, they'd be charged for the privilege of getting in contact? Secondly, email marketers would have little chance of actually seeing these bounces, and an even smaller chance of actually being able to act upon them. The logistics of email platforms just don't facilitate this. So then what we're left with, is a tool that is very good at filtering out a specific type of message, namely a prospecting email from one individual to another, but as thats only a part of the spam you receive, it's unlikely to be the gatekeeper it supposes to be and is more like a brick wall.
Sam Sexton
How does this work with marketing emails that the user has subscribed to? Reading the white paper these seem to be treated as "unsolicited"
Stewart Dennis
@samsexton Great question. Currently, marketing emails sent from addresses not on a user's whitelist are treated as unsolicited. I've got a feature on the product roadmap that will allow users to automatically add to their whitelist any addresses of lists they are subscribed to.
Joe Belsterling
Saw the question, but don't think I saw the response (sorry if I missed it). How do you determine unsolicited? (also would help to have this on the site)
:: lawson baker ::
This is super cool. Will definitely look at using after the permissions are updated. It would be interesting if this concept could be mirrored for cell phone numbers. Thoughts anyone?
:: lawson baker ::
@macgregordennis, yea, I think this is a larger problem with no current market solutions. SMS following close behind + soon to be exploited by spammers.
Kevin Yun
I am incredibly stupid for trusting this service -- if you are reading this, please check your Gmail activity for a ton of sins being committed by them. 3 weeks after signing up, all the weird things happening with my Gmail finally clicked: - The strange "unpaid" labels being added to emails (not bad, just confusing) - automatic replies being sent out from bitbounce (spam is bad, but this takes the cake) - you guys spamming my entire contacts list. I checked my "sent" history and looks like these spam emails got sent out 13 days over 3 weeks. Your login needs a "forget password" link, your site needs to show the Turing company ownership, and your application should be requesting Gmail access under the name Bitbounce, and not your other SaaS company. It took me half an hour to backtrace what app and permissions were sending out the spam. I'm not sure what's worse: releasing software that was buggy on the Contacts list spam feature, not having explicit permission opt-ins (auth doesn't count)., or that it took a lot of investigative work to find out which application was spamming and to revoke those permissions. I wouldn't trust this company, unless you really enjoy that cringe feeing of sending out emails to every single person on your contacts list.
Joey Figaro
So, I just got a surprise email that bitbounce sent from my account to hundreds of my contacts. I'm now receiving handfuls of automated mail delivery failure replies every minute or so. Email you sent out: I'm not sure how you managed to actually use my account - I'm going to assume that I went further with the permissions than I remember. Regardless, using my account to advertise to my contacts wholesale (a few of which were me, which seems silly) without any heads up is a total failure on your part. I'll be removing bitbounce from my authorized apps, and sincerely hope that you guys do something about this -- because it's unacceptable. Also, I wouldn't have whitelisted half of the email addresses you reached out to with an advertisement for your platform. I don't think you should assume all contacts in a contact list should be whitelisted - many of them are there from unsolicited messages. A shot of the permissions granted (prior to the fix you guys released):
Joey Figaro
@macgregordennis That makes sense - the issue I'm having is that I never went through onboarding. I pinned the coinbase and gmail auth request pages I hit after submitting my email and came here to ask about the permissions I saw. I never got the chance to complete authorization or sign into the service when I noticed the emails.
Joey Figaro
Please explain the required permissions for both email and coinbase so I can decide if I'd like to sign up.
Andreas Duess
Holy permission request. Read, manage and delete my mail? I don't think so.
This is marking all my emails (Including Product Hunt's) to "Read" and "Done" on Inbox automatically...
Jordan Finnigan
"Thank you for trusting us."