Fedotov Maxim

Bitdock - Track cryptocurrency price index in the MacOS menu bar


Bitdock is a lightweight OSX menu bar application that tracks the price index of Bitcoin in USD, GBP and EUR. I built it after being tired of constantly heading over to Coinbase or GDAX and I was unable to find an OSX application that was simply executed. I bodged this together in a few hours, so I'll be improving and adding new cryptocurrencies.

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Chris Underdown
I've just added Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Ripple, and updated the UI to reflect those changes 😊 Enjoy! Let me know if you have any requests.
Mats Sean Stols
@chrisunderdown Awesome I was looking for an app like this. Please keep expending the coin database :)
Chris Underdown
@mats_sean_stols Any coins you'd specifically like? 😊
Fedotov Maxim

I've been looking for a coin tracker for awhile, but most that I found for Mac are not very neat. But while this app only support Bitcoin, its executed very well and having more coins in the future will make this a must have to track cryptos.


Very nicely executed, easy to use and a pleasure to look at


I'd love to have more coins tracked, at least ETH for starters.

Nick Neuman
Nice! I've been looking for something like this. Have you thought about the ability to show multiple currencies at once in the menu bar, rather than requiring a click to open & see more than one?
Chris Underdown
@nneuman Thanks Nick! Yeah that's something that sprung to mind yesterday when I added multiple currencies to the app, I'm glad you thought the same. Do you think there should be a limit to how many currencies you can add to the menu bar? My main concern is that it could fill up quite quickly, one solution could be to round the figures i.e BTC £3.3K ETH £240?
Nick Neuman
@chrisunderdown I could see rounding to no decimals, but I wouldn't round to 3,300 to 3.3k - I think a lot of "day traders" in BTC wouldn't like that. A limit probably makes sense in order to keep bugs down. People could choose 3 to pay attention to in the menu bar and open the app to see the current UI, which would include as many currencies as they want.
Chris Underdown
Thanks for the hunt @doutatsu . I initially built Bitdock to have a simple and easy indication to the latest value of Bitcoin in my preferred currency, with just a glance. Bitdock uses the Coindesk API to get the BPI every minute which is converted into EUR, USD and GBP. I'll be adding new features and cryptocurrencies, so any recommendations are welcome.
Ouriel Ohayon
cool stuff.
Chris Underdown
@ourielohayon Thanks 😊
Ouriel Ohayon
@chrisunderdown what source do you use to get the value? an exchange in particular? coinmarketcap?
Chris Underdown
@ourielohayon I’m using the CryptoCompare API now and by default it seems they use CCAGG https://www.cryptocompare.com/api/
Pete Huang
Awesome stuff Chris! Love it
Chris Underdown
@petejayhuang Cheers dude! We need to catch up, it's been far too long
Is it possible to choose the exchange?
Chris Underdown
@pascaltiemann I’m using the CryptoCompare API and from the docs it seems that you can choose from a large pool of exchanges. By default it’s CCAGG which I believe is CryptoCompares own combination of aggregated exchanges. I can add a setting that allows to switch the exchange 😊
Julián Abad
I have been using BitDock for two weeks and it works perfectly. Thanks, very cool stuff!! The only thing I miss is the capability to set our number of cryptocurrencies, so we can view not the ETH price but our investment progression.
Pete Huang
Awesome stuff Chris! Love it
Michael Sparks
I used fullscreen a lot, and when I want to check BitDock, it scrolls me back to the desktop. Can you make it so I can use this in fullscreen without interuption?