Niv Dror

Today - A beautifully designed timepiece for the modern day 🕗


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Niv Dror
Today is a beautifully designed clock that has a single hand, which takes 24 hours to complete a single revolution. It reminds me more of a clock you'd see on your phone, but on your wall. I mean, putting a typical wall clock next to Today kind of says it all...
Dan Flanegan
I love that so many designers are reinventing the analog clock
Chris Calmeyn
Simply watching the GIF relaxes me. In my view this clock picks up where the sundial left off. Maybe, we can add a 4th circle to their image of the evolution of clocks for ~150BC.
Niv Dror
Impressive that they've already reached their Kickstarter funding call by more than 4x 🚀
Daniel Marcinkowski
It's beautiful, but I'm wondering what to do with it when time changes to summer's or winter's one
Alex Daly
I have a prototype of Today and have lived with it for some time now. It really works.
SlimKey Wallet
beatiful ;)
Samantha Rose
How gorgeous! It'll be interesting to see if people are more inclined to view Today as more of a symbolic, calming work of art rather than a clock itself.