Jeremie Berrebi

Blackberry Classic - New Blackberry with large screen + Keyboard


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Taylor Crane
I like the part where Blackberry thinks technology is cyclical.
Benjamin Netter
I would buy a Blackberry if it was running Android. I don't get why Blackberry can't understand why they need to move to Android.
Jeremie Berrebi
@benjaminnetter All Androids apps are available on Blackberry 10 already.
Jack Smith
@jberrebi they often run janky though, I hear
Justin Mitchell
@jberrebi @_jacksmith Anything that doesn't require Google Services runs flawlessly. For instance, I run Spotify, Audible, Kindle, Pocket Casts, without any issues.
Years ago this device would have kept me from abandoning BB.
Everette Taylor
Used to be a huge fan of Blackberry, I think its going to take some monumental marketing efforts to even cause a dint in the chokehold that Apple and Android has on the phone industry. Great to see the company going out swinging, hope they can do well and hire some of those people back. That 22 hour battery life beats the hell out of my iPhone but wonder if that still happens with heavy usage.
Mike Murchison
Keep in mind that BB runs android apps now
Miriam Schwab
How I loved my BlackBerry, especially the keyboard. I hope they manage to get to the point where I would consider BlackBerry again.
Shashwat Pradhan
The BlackBerry runs Android apps. Great choice for prosumers!
Frank Fumarola
Blackberry World must be a deserted island at this point... that is, more so than it already was.
Benjamin Netter
They need to get rid of that Blackberry logo, and remove the bottom border to have a decent screen.