François Boulais

Retro Widget - iOS widget that shows you the old Nokia screen

Missing your old mobile phone?
Check out our fresh retro widgets embedding dynamic data:
• Carrier strength signal
• Carrier name
• Battery level
• Clock
• Backlight (with dark mode!)

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Robin Louw
Nice! All i need is a matching apple watch face
François Boulais
@rob_louw Working on it!!!
Emily Hodgins
I miss snake!! Anyone remember their old high scores?
François Boulais
@ejsnowdon The original Snake II is now available in Retro Widget! 🐍🕹
Emily Hodgins
@ejsnowdon @frboulais ah amazing! Nice work Francois 🐍🙌🏻
Gabe Perez
SNAKE!!! If only we could play it in the Widget form.
François Boulais
@gabe__perez Currently working at it to add Snake II game in the app! (Technically impossible in widget 😕)
François Boulais
@gabe__perez You can now play the original Snake II game in the app! 🕹🐍
François Boulais
Nokia 3310 is 20 years old! 🎈🎊
Cédric Moreaux
Our missed 3310! Thanks for reviving him! It's so sad Apple doesn't let you play games in widgets, having Snake in the widget would have been amazing!
Aaron O'Leary
Waiit does this actually play snake!?
François Boulais
@aaronoleary not yet! But, stay tuned!
François Boulais
@aaronoleary Now you can!!!
The best widget ever, useless therefore essential ! Nokia is not dead 😃
Béryl Huba-Mylek
Nice !
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Melissa Tima
Good job !!! 😊
Alexis Barat
The coolest widget 👾
OMG 3310 😍😍😍😍
James Ryu
Sweet! Nostalgia just hit me pretty hard!
Kateryna Bibik
One word - nostalgia! cool, congratulations!
Laura M
So nostalgic...