Kevin William David

Blink - Strengthen your eyesight with eye tracking

Blink is an iOS app that take care for your eyes. It's a daily eyesight trainer with a number of effective exercises that helps your eyes to relieve tense and strengthen eyesight. Blink uses eye tracking to guide your exercise technique.

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Arseny Kuheika
Hi, @kevin thank you for hunting our product! My name is Arsen. We developed an iOS App Blink. It helps to reduce eye tense, stress and fatigue with special eyesight exercises. App is based on eye tracking technology through TrueDepth. This technology helps Blink to guide user’s exercise technique and correct it for maximum efficiency. Because of TrueDepth Blink is only available for iPhones X, XR, XS, XS Max, 11 or iPad Pro models. Due to the unique design, wich activates peripheral vision, users can navigate in Blink without directly looking at the screen. This is what makes Blink friendly solution for tired eyesight. App is totally free, because our goal right now is to get as much users feedback as possible. So, maybe you would be interested in testing our app and share your honest thoughts on it. Do you like it?
Ross Currie
@kevin @akuheika What's the science behind this to show that it actually helps my eyes rather than just straining them more?
Arseny Kuheika
@rossdcurrie Eye exercises is just one part of complex preventive vision therapy. Taking care of eyesight is a good habbit and Blink helps to build it with these small steps – short daily workouts. Gymnastics helps with strenghening eye muscles and due to the specific movents prevents irritation and dryness. The most known research about vision therapy belings to american vision therapy center where we've gathered most of the information.
Simon Landry
@kevin @akuheika @rossdcurrie It seems like this app's approach is based on nothing, but there's research on this, if you're curious:
Arseny Kuheika
@kevin @rossdcurrie @rhymeswithsimon keep calm and just make eye yoga break !
Daniil Okhlopkov
Happy to see that a hackathon idea turned into a product! So rare, so cool!
Ivan Dmitrievich
@okhlopkov That was our original plan after hackathon ^ —— ^ THANKS!
Martin ryden
Wow, really nice! Would definitely need this. How about Android app? Timeframe? 🤔
Marina Okolovich
@martin_ryden Hi, Martin. Right now we are focusing on iOS devices with True Depth camera. But maybe one day we'll develop a version for android ⭐️
Alexey Rossennik
@martin_ryden Hi, Martin! Basically right now we're focusing on users feedback. So if community likes it, we'll be glad to increase our auditory by Android version of the app. Unfortunately no timeframe atm.
Martin ryden
@arossennik @mokolovich Understand, which you the best of luck and hopefully we will see an android app for the future ;)
Alexey Rossennik
@martin_ryden thanks a lot! really appreciate it!
Andrew Gale
Where is the proof you will improve eyesight like you claim? I’m very surprised everyone is just accepting that claim without asking how? Any proof?
Arseny Kuheika
@andrewgale relax and just blink :)
Unique usage of True Depth camera... And on top of that, incredible UX, soft vibration for the seconds, contextual intent for notification, app rating, opening on the right screen... Wow. Congratulations
Arseny Kuheika
@vincent94828225 Thank you for paying attention to such nuances, we are very pleased! did you leave a rating in the App Store?)
Arseny Kuheika
@vincent94828225 nice to hear 👂
Kartik Chaturvedi
Such a great application for the TrueDepth camera! The haptic feedback is a perfect complement to the smooth animations. Curious to know if the app collects usage data or trains on our faces when we use it?
Ivan Dmitrievich
@ikartik Thanks! No user data collected. The app not even using internet connection. Super safe.
Arseny Kuheika
@idmitrievich @ikartik thank you too for your feedback
Ilya Tkachev
Simple and clear idea. Gj guys!
Сергей Шинкаренко
Finally, app that we really need. Especially, if you working on computer a lot
Alexey Rossennik
@wed9620 thanks a lot! working hard to improve our app!
Андрей Анискевич
Very cool app guys! I will definitely recommend it to my friends!
Marina Okolovich
@new_user_3329bb199a thank you 🙏
Diogo Ferreira
Great app!
Arseny Kuheika
@diogomartf did you try it? Share you thoughts
Suraj Vibhute
Really nice concept, simple and useful app. Do you have any plans to add this exercise data in the Health app?
Arseny Kuheika
@suraj78 Do you think this is really necessary? users have already written to us about this feature. we will think how it can be interestingly implemented
Suraj Vibhute
@akuheika yeah, I think so as most of the popular activity/exercise apps are connected with the Health app, it becomes easy to see all the data in one place.
Arseny Kuheika
@suraj78 thank you 🙏 for idea! We try to do our best
Eugene  Strelets
@idmitrievich amazing product - great job! I use this app for eye exercises every day. Love your simple and user-friendly interface.
Ivan Dmitrievich
@eugene_strelets thanks a lot! Working hard to do really useful app.
Alex Bavdey
Nice! Good luck
Igor Hudnitsky
Simple and functional app for day to day use. Gj team!)
Marina Okolovich
@igorhudnitsky Thanks. Hope your eyes will like it)
Лёша Лёгкий
So smart and so simple! Love it
Marina Okolovich
@new_user_332cb2b826 And Blink loves you, thanks!
Darya Bich
It’s really amazing! I’ll definitely become your adopter ☺️
Marina Okolovich
@darya_bich That's sounds amazing. Taking daily care of your eyes with Blink is a good decision
Dina  Biboletova
Such an awesome app! It's not only good for your eyes but also so fun to use!
Marina Okolovich
@dina_biboletova It's so cool that you think about our app in this way, because we think that eye care shouldn't be boring too.
upup _
Красавчики, читал сначала про вас на vc , хорошо , что иконку поменяли !
Arseny Kuheika
@upup__ спасибо! Ну и как тебе статья на vc?)) За иконку тоже спасибо, некоторым кажется что это орущий глаз, у тебя случайно не было таких ассоциаций?))
Денис Хтей
As my doctor says: “Rest your eyes every 20 minutes. Look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Get up at least every 2 hours and take a 15-minute break... blah blah”. Awesome app, but so hard to train 20 feet back from my phone
Ivan Dmitrievich
@hamp Awesome, actually we're thinking of 20 feet away thing! ))))) So stay tuned...