Joost Jansky

Blogody - Create your own blog and see it live in seconds.


Create and publish your blogs easier, faster and more secure. Publish on a global CDN edge in seconds. Say goodbye to slow sites or long build times. Regain control over your publication data and copyrights: You own your own words - with Blogody.

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Joost Jansky
@robmcd86: I've improved the mobile view of the Pure Theme. I hope you like it.
Joost Jansky
What started as small project to help a local community blog, inspired me to develop a new blogging platform! If you have any question, ask me below 👇
Monica Lent
Congratulations on your launch, Joost!
Joost Jansky
@monicalent Thanks a lot Monica! Noticed that you reached a big milestone yourself today, so: congrats back!
Charles Ochei
Just signed up. Love the fonts
Joost Jansky
Which of the 3 (to be developed) features is most important to you?
Toheeb Ogunbiyi
Congrats on the launch, Joost.
Melba Parish
Fabulous! :)
Manuela Colebrook
Joost Jansky
@manuelacolebro1 Happy you like it.
Joost Jansky
Thanks so much @melbaparish, @john_mercy and @toheeb for your encouragements! Let me know your blogging needs and I will try to optimize in that direction.
Adolphus Nippae
Congratulations on your new project!
Joost Jansky
@adolphus_nippae Thanks so much!
Joost Jansky
The most popular feature from the above poll is now available: Direct Feedback. Check it out!
Rob McDowall
I really like it and I've subscribed but one feature I would love would be the ability to change the theme or even header font and size as mine is all pushed together on mobile view.
Joost Jansky
@robmcd86 thanks a lot for the suggestion. Yes, there will be new theme options to come (not sure yet when it can be realized). Current focus is on onboarding, monitoring increasing load and adding small features. That said, I want the "Pure Theme" to make as useful as possible. I just checked and I can verify that longer titles get squashed on mobile. This will be fixed soon!
Jacquiline Sparks
How to create blog?
Joost Jansky
Released an TS/JS API Client for Blogody today (check out the news on Blogody).
Joost Jansky
Released a new Google Analytics integration for Blogody today. More info:
Joost Jansky
Blogody: The first month after launch 🚀 More info 👉
Nick Bess
I'm always happy when I'm lucky to find an easy-to-use web design tool. I enjoy working with such software now and then, especially when the project is not complicated and a customer wants something very simple. In most cases, I chose one of the popular blog platforms here, but I'll give Blogody a try for sure. Thanks.
Carsten Braun
Wo ist denn der Unterschied zu GHOST? Und warum gibt es kein echtes Impressum oder Angaben zum Inhaber/Unternehmen?