@bentossell Hey Ben! It's a competitive space for sure. Bold Kiln is a solution provider for startups - and we've built this to help people within the ecosystem deal with information overload better. We intend to stick to business / tech / industry news and not get into the sports / politics / entertainment verticals to keep it relevant for these folks. Does that potentially give you a reason to use this?
Would love to know what else we could do, to give you a reason to use this over others.
@abhishekaggy personally I have little time to read news/articles/posts I'd like to so I use Nuzzel for recommended reads, there is always a preview that I can see before I click the article too.
I'm just wondering what your acquisition plan is here in such a competitive space where people's time is a big factor in how they use apps. Especially for content consumption.
Not doubting your ability at all! haha. Just curious :)
@bentossell Absolutely - that pain of little time is what we're targeting too. Here, the idea is that our editors actually summarise the article as well, so that you don't really need to read the full thing unless you want further detail. So broadly in just a few minutes, you're on top of most of the key news that's happened - and of course, the full detailed articles are right there if you want more detail on any of them. So the usp becomes curated articles WITH human written summaries that get the gist across.
Does that potentially sound like a worthy value prop?
With regards acquisition - yes, we're figuring out how and what would be the best ways to go about reaching people for whom this would have value - and have them give it a shot. Thoughts and ideas welcome. :)
@abhishekaggy so kind of like a Yahoo News Digest for tech startup news? Sounds cool.
I used to use Yahoo News Digest but honestly stopped because there wasn't enough of the type of news I wanted to reach (tech startup haha).
Haha acquisition should be front of your mind ;)
@bentossell Possibly something on those lines yes (though better? :P).
And yes - it should be (and is). Sometimes think it's akin to thrashing one's way through a mangrove forest. Let's see. :D
@akshaybharwani@inshorts I suppose it is similar in some senses. One very clear difference we intend to maintain is to stick to business and tech kind of news and not enter the political / sports / entertainment space.
Want to keep it relevant to our target group and help them stay up to date, and with their decision making.
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