Hugo Pakula

Bonfire - Chat about your interests


Share juicy first-date details in your private friends Camp, find a new quarantine hobby in #Quarantined, and laugh at dank #Memes – whatever you’re into, it’s happening on Bonfire. No like/follower counts, just meaningful conversations for your interests.

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Austin Valleskey
Hey everyone! 👋 I’m @austin, co-founder of Bonfire heading up creative. A year ago, we set out to make a social app that encouraged meaningful and authentic conversation. To do that, we knew a few things had to happen: 1) remove like/follower counts 2) optimize for conversations vs. likes 3) facilitate conversations through groups. Since our private beta launched 9 months ago, our users have cultivated hundreds of Camps and thousands of engaging conversations. From silly no-filter selfies in #MirrorSelfies to thought-provoking discussions in the #Books Camp, it’s all happening on Bonfire. Let us know your favorites below--we’re also taking requests to feature your Camp! 🌟
Hunter Owens
From being in the beta over the last several months, I can testify that Bonfire is the best new social app to hit the scene in years 🔥
Austin Valleskey
@owens thanks for helping us light the fire early on, Hunter! 🔥
Anna Filou
"Chat about your interests" ...WITH OTHER iOS USERS ONLY Why not make Bonfire a web app and then make native apps for it? Considering that it's supposed to be a social network about all sorts of interests, it requires a large number of diverse users. I don't see how making it an iOS exclusive contributes to that goal.
Austin Valleskey
@anna_0x Hi Anna, thank you for your feedback! As a two-person team, that is one of the hard decisions we had to make early on. We decided to go with iOS first for these reasons: 1) You always have your phone on you, not your laptop 2) Because of #1, our users can respond more frequently (keeping conversations active) 3) We have limited time and resources I agree with you – being iOS-only limits our user base potential substantially (both in diversity and size). We're working hard to expand the product onto more platforms as soon as possible!
Kevin Mullett
@anna_0x Yup, I just cannot see the viability in choosing to alienate half the market right off the bat in this day and age. I've joined and tested more social networks than I can recall and very few weather this self imposed limitation. I hope I am wrong for these folks sake, but... I don't ALWAYS have my iPad with me so even those who try to use both platforms are unlikely to bother.
Joshwin Greene
@austinvalleskey You should look into using Flutter for the Android version and add web support. I’m currently learning Flutter and I have been enjoying experience so far. “With web support, you can compile existing Flutter code written in Dart into a client experience that can be embedded in the browser and deployed to any web server. You can use all the features of Flutter, and you don’t need a browser plug-in.” Here’s the link:
Hugo Pakula
Hey Product Hunt! 👋I’m @hugo, co-founder of Bonfire focused on engineering and community. It’s been awesome to see the feedback on PH since we dropped this morning! If you’re stuck in the waitlist, comment your Bonfire friend code any time today and we’ll hook you up with a code to skip the line. Be sure to nab your 🔥username early! Our beta testers have been crucial to getting Bonfire ready for launch, and today we’re proud to show Bonfire to the rest of the world. Bonfire is built for the community, by the community. I'll see you in the app!
Edison Espinosa
So obvious question how do you plan to grow and hit that network effect?
Hey everyone! I’ve been using bonfire for about a year now and I’m so excited for it to release to everyone! My favorite part of bonfire is creating camps for my friends to join, like #Westworld, And #iOSBetaLyfe. Definitely join the latter to discuss what iOS 14 will look like this year 👀
oh fuck you weren't joking, i'm in a screenshot. hi mom! and congrats on shipping this pals <3
Hugo Pakula
@pasql Apparently you love to download+upload *just* enough! 😉We support all your hopes and dreams!
Woah this is cool @ioffe check this out
Vincent Bootes
This is one of the rising star for sure.
Hugo Pakula
@thegoldyu Thanks so much Vincent! We're only just getting started 😉🔥 Hopefully you can come along for the ride in the app!
Andrea Cipriano
I love feeling connected to my friends on Bonfire & I’m super pumped that I’ve created a camp for #TrueCrime fans!!
I have been testing Bonfire now for a bit and really like the format. It’s something different and fun to use. The different camp aspect is very unique.
Austin Valleskey
@bluespringstn It has been great to have you on the beta, Jason!
Jack Gecawich
Been on bonfire since July and man it’s truly LIT. The convos are hot and the takes are even hotter... if you haven’t downloaded it yet you’re missing out. The embers of next gen social have been lit - congrats guys!
Hugo Pakula
@gecawich Thanks Jack! It's been fun seeing some strange and funny convos evolve in our Camps together while in beta 😆
Ben Swift
After using the app for a little while in beta testing I found that it was a great way to organize and discuss interesting topics with people in a format that was different and fresh but yet familiar at the same time. It’s easy to get the hang of how it works and a great new way to connect with people who share your interests! Highly recommend
Definitely one of the best app designs in awhile
Hugo Pakula
@appleosophy Thanks guys! We're excited to have you on board and dishing out the latest when it comes to Apple news 🔥
Robert Maloney
just got on the app today, absolutely loving the #ProductDesign and #Photography camps
Hugo Pakula
@robert_maloney1 These are some of my personal favorites too 😜 What's your @handle on bonfire?
Nick Vernij
I have been using bonfire for a while now, and it has been delightful. It almost feels like the old internet forums before big social media. Everyone is happy and nice :). I'm super excited to see how they are gonna move forward being public
Ana Kirova
Guys you've done an amazing job, I'm using Bonfire and am fascinated with its usability, features and overall concept! What a fantastically done product. Let me know if you need any help or support at all, but all in all GREAT JOB! I can't wait to see this grow!
Austin Valleskey
@anafiki Thanks so much for the kind note, Ana! Lots more to come – just getting started :)
Mark Bruckert
I have been using Bonfire for the last few months and can say that it is a great way to connect with people from across the world. The Camps are a great way to get to talk to people that share similar interests to yourself. Highly recommend you download!
Michael Danger
After being in the beta for a while, I have to mention Bonfire’s impeccable UX. Also met some cool people in #ProductDesign (and my personal favorite, #HotTakes) 🔥
Austin Valleskey
@mp_nyc we really appreciate the compliment, Michael! Glad you've enjoyed #ProductDesign -- that's one of my favorite Camps as well :)
Unique place where everyone is your friend. Reminds me of the old Path vibe.
Hugo Pakula
@pugson I know you by your avatar and bonfire handle (@pug) now :3 it's been a pleasure having you in the beta and pumping out those #memes