
nanoexpress - High-performance backend server framework


High-performance backend server framework

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Hi everyone. I exciting to announce now nanoexpress Pro free and as default will be used
Normando Hall
@dalisoft nice! This framework will be more popular now. Please, update the "router" documentation about Pro. Thank you!
Any feedback will be appreciated!
adam saparudin
Is this framework is stable ? or it's still on development... My basic need is for render html, and serve basic api
@adam_saparudin Hi, thanks for interest. Yes, both free and paid versions are stable
Saahithyan Vigneswaran
how much difference between nano express vs nano express pro ? how much will it cost for pro version ?
@saahithyan_vigneswaran Hi and thanks for interest. Sorry for late reply, i missing notifications. Difference not much, performance similar, but PRO version has Router instance which makes your API creation easier. PRO version starts from 10$/m. For 10$/m you support project development (you will see your name in Sponsors page) and you will get Pro version. Sorry again for late reply
Ogs Box
hi, i really dont understand the difference between simple, pro and pro-slim. could u please tell me something about it?
@ogs_box Hi and thanks for interest. Sorry for late reply. Simple - free version, even for commercial projects. Pro - licensed under gpl-3.0, for commercial usage you should be sponsor of project. Pro version has Router instance. Pro version faster than simple version by 2-10% depending on your application complexity. Pro-slim - minimal version of Pro without validator, documentation generator and etc, it’s like cleaner version. But it’s performance and stability better than other two versions. All three versions compatible with 75% of middlewares of Express, like cors, jwt, passportjs (has wrapper) and etc.
Ogs Box
has nanoexpress the same sintax of express? is it compatible with express middelware addons?
@ogs_box Hi and thanks for interest. Sorry for late reply. Yes, all three versions of nanoexpress supports almost 75% express middlewares such as cors, jwt, passportjs (has wrapper). If you become sponsor with level of VIP patron or higher, you can ask support any of ONE express middleware support (if it’s not supported yet) per month. Sorry again for late reply