Matt Brown

Freelance Rate Explorer - Visualize rates for thousands of freelance designers & devs


Bonsai's Freelance Rate Explorer lets you visualize freelance designer and developer rates by experience level, skill, and geography. Simply put, knowledge is power. New and experienced freelancers need a tool like this to know what's fair and what's right to charge.

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Matt Brown
Hey everyone, one of the makers of the Rate Explorer here. We built it using data from our freelance contract generator (, which we also launched on PH a few months ago. Happy to answer any questions you have!
Tim Perry
@matttbrown This is awesome, nicely done. I would've killed for this when I started doing freelance work a while back. "How much do I charge" is pretty much everybody's first question when they're getting started! Any plans to add non-US locations?
Ben Tossell
@pimterry @matttbrown and also other skills too? :)
Matt Brown
@bentossell @matttbrown @pimterry @matttbrown Yep, other countries + skills are definitely on the roadmap. Just want to make sure we have enough data to provide a good sample, so be sure to submit yours via the 'Add Your Rate' button.
Andy P
@matttbrown this is great! It'd be really helpful to show the total number of people that the displayed data is gathered from.
Hwee-Boon Yar
@matttbrown Thanks for making this. When entering a rate, it would be great if we can type to scroll in the list of countries.
Adam Owen
Useful tool. Looking forward to seeing more skills on there (such as marketing).
Matt Brown
@adamowenit Definitely expanding skills + countries soon. You can help by adding your own rates + sharing with others to do the same!
Laura Mariakinaite
@matttbrown @adamowenit That's really cool. Super easy to use and compare numbers. I look forward to seeing this grow!
This is awesome, thanks for sharing.
Josh Kissel
@matttbrown Super helpful to see as college student/ budding freelancer! Might be cool to have an option to highlight (different color) the average column of each graph. Or possibly for each skill set have an overview graph that shows the average hourly for each of the year break downs (1-3yr, 3-5yr...)
Miguel Mendes
@matttbrown great job! I cant add my rate in safari, iphone 5s ! Modal scroll problem 😄
Matt Nish
@miguelmendes sorry you've experienced that ui bug. I appreciate the bug report and am planning on fixing it tomorrow.
David Carpe
nice tool - this should be up on TechCrunch, seems relevant to startups looking to contract out work
Dylan Jhaveri
Just tried this out. The suggested ranges are accurate for my freelance rate. This is a great tool for a new freelance designer or developer who wants to figure out what to charge, or for someone who is already freelancing and wants to confirm that their rate is in the correct range.
Babu Kumaran
500 Error
Matt Brown
@babu_ck Should be fixed, sorry about that!
Joe Thomas
Top Product
@matttbrown This is good insights into what the going rate is for freelance work depending on some of the 4 measurable, tangible inputs you take into account (Role, Skill, Experience, Location). But pricing is a fickle thing. There are so many nuances that truly determine pricing, especially when it comes to consulting/freelance work. Is there any thinking on how to incorporate those intangibles into the data set (Communication Skills, Leadership, Confidence, etc.)? You've gathered a good amount of quantifiable information around this topic. Did you also collect qualitative information as well? How did freelancers arrive at their pricing? Any plans to put together a guideline around pricing structure rather than just showing a data set? That could be just as useful to individuals like @pimterry @bentossell @andypeninger @dylanjha and @seanbolak.
Tiger Wang ☻
love this! wondering if you have plans on adding other skills like animation / motion design? :D
Matt Brown
@tigerwang Definitely! Just want to make sure we have enough data to provide a good sample, so be sure to submit yours via the 'Add Your Rate' button.
Boris Fedorov
Interesting that Product Design rates decrease for designers with more than 10 years experience as compared to those with 5-10 years. It's true regardless of geography. I wonder if that's due to ageism in tech.
Hanna Xu
@borisism I wonder if it's also because product design is also constantly changing? The designers I know with 10+ years were in management positions. I wouldn't be surprised if their portfolio is kind of outdated if they wanted to jump into freelance. Choosing where you fit in also might influence it. I put in my freelance rate but couldn't decide if I was product design, mobile design, or ui/ux.
Nice tool to help freelancers price themselves without screwing themselves over too much
Adam Rasheed
This is AMAZING. I'm not only a freelancer, but also an Economics major that is researching the growing percentage of the U.S. population that is becoming self-employed. This is going to be very useful. However, I wish there was a way to ensure the data on here is legitimate.
Quinn Zeda
I run a site that helps freelancers and one of the questions I get asked the most is, "How much do I charge?" Great to see a tool out there with realistic rates and what designers and developers are actually making. For many it will be a confidence boost to see what others are charging with the same experience as many, even experienced freelancers, have doubts and fears about the rates they charge (or should be charging).
Sarah A. Downey
@mattbrown Super useful. What is the approximate sample size for designers right now? Trying to get a sense of how many people weighed in with their freelance rates.
Christoph Neumann
Nice tool with surprising insights. Poor designers :(
Matt Blick
Great resource here. Would love to see you add videography rates as well @matttbrown. Overall, quick, fast and user friendly.
Thuong Le
Great tool. I'm looking forward to seeing more countries, especially Japan, Singapore, Australia and the whole EU. Thanks for the great tool.
Robert Spivack
Great example of domain-specific crowdsourced data.
Matt Cooper
Really useful as someone just starting to do web freelance. It would be helpful to have combined design/dev stats (I do web design and development, for example)