Roger Dickey

Boost - Your magical advisor for career success


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Roger Dickey
I've been following Zach and his team for years. They've helped hundreds of people land jobs at the likes of Google, Facebook, etc with job-hunting products. Seeing them expand into on-demand career advice is exciting. It's a much larger market and I haven't seen anything like it before. Pricing seems fair too :) Why doesn't everyone have a "talent agent"? Hope this can help a lot of people.
Zach Tratar
@rogerdickey Thanks for the Hunt and kind words Roger! As mentioned, we've been tackling the "job hunt" through coaching for a while now. After you talk to hundreds upon hundreds of people personally, you find patterns. People, every day, every week, are making decisions that affect their career trajectory. We would always think "wow, If they had know this one piece of information 4 months ago, they'd be in such a good position now." Boost is a service that helps you make the smartest decisions all the time. It's your own personal advisor -- powered by both real people and technology -- that understands your unique situation, taps into the data of the world, and gives you professional superpowers. We invite you all to try it out and let us know what you think. :)
Ben Tossell
This is pretty cool. What is it set up with? Is it a custom site?
Andrew Rhyne
@bentossell Yup, completely custom. Built ReactJS and GraphQL
Zach Tratar
@bentossell To go into more detail, we've effectively built a combination help desk & "load balancer for expertise." This helps us source the best advice very quickly from a network of hundreds of top people. Our trained career coaches help ensure every conversation is completely personal, 100% accurate, and effective.
Andrew Hsu
Great idea - democratizing talent agencies that normally only already rich and powerful people have. Feels like everyone could use this. Is it focused on tech people first? There are probably many other industries that may benefit even more.
Zach Tratar
@andrewomatic Our specialties are definitely in Software Engineering, Design, and Product Management. That being said, we're currently working with experts to design coaching playbooks for other fields rapidly. Thanks for the question!
Justin Ezor
This is badass! Way to go guysπŸ™‚ Would be awesome to apply this concept to brand ambassadors and sales people who want to crush their goals. A couple questions: How do you guys source the experts? And do they get paid to provide assistance?
Zach Tratar
@justin_ezor Thanks Justin! πŸ‘Š - Goal tracking and encouragement is something we think about often... it's hard to pitch people on it though. We do think there is a huge opportunity for the advisor to play a more pro-active coaching role. Love the idea. - We manually recruit experts. We have people who work on SpaceX's Falcon9, Google's Self-Driving Cars, and experts in open source. - Experts do get paid to provide assistance. The amount varies depending on *how* they help, but if you do the calculations it usually comes out to about $50/hr.
Justin Ezor
@zachtratar so dope!! How long have you guys been working on this? And what was your original inspiration?
Zach Tratar
@justin_ezor that's quite a long story... maybe over coffee sometime, else I'll write a huge wall of text and people are going to spawn a magical downvote button out of necessity. ;) We've been working on the coaching/advisement/mentorship problem for about 2 1/2 years now. It's gone through many, many iterations -- and that's how we ended up with this awesome product. :)
Davis Nunez
I love the concept! Just signed up , #368 on the waiting lineπŸ˜•
Zach Tratar
@_davisnz We're going to be inviting relatively quickly, and will probably prioritize all signups coming from Product Hunt. :)
Shrinit Chavan
This is awesome. I just had a chat with @mnassif and it was like talking to a friend who is always there to help you out. Good job guys.
Andrew Rhyne
@shri @mnassif Whoot! Glad you love it ;)
Morgaine Nassif
@shri It was nice chatting with you! ^_^
Oh please invite me, I need help. Thanks.
Zach Tratar
@eboy We see your signup, Eric! Happy to let you know you're going to be one of the first Product Hunt users to get assistance. 😊
Dre DurrπŸ’‘
This looks very dope🚬🚬
Morgaine Nassif
@dredurr 😎 Thanks!
Andy Eskridge
This looks super interesting! Just signed up! Quick question: Is Boost able to advise clients that don't live in/or around SF? The example conversations on the website seemed to focus on clients in SF.
Andrew Rhyne
@andyeskridge Absolutely! We are actually quite interested to see how boost will do in other places that are less flooded with technology. We are particularly interested in seeing how the product will do in the midwest :)
Andrew Rhyne
@andyeskridge Nice! I am from Austin :D. Moved to San Francisco a few years ago to do the startup grind! (Lead Engineer here at Boost)
Stephen Inoue
Any thought to add a "boost" for job hunting?
Zach Tratar
@riptide360 Hey Stephen! Boost does this extremely well. In addition to being able to provide expert guidance, Boost can connect you with experts for mock interviews, resume review, and more. It can also get you introductions into startups and larger tech companies. For this kind of thing I'd definitely recommend the "Achiever" package.
Product Pearson
This is great. I'm currently in the process of building my career capital, and this is a wonderful resource!
Andrew Rhyne
@ashtube Woot! Great to hear :)
congrats zach & co.! another great illini productπŸ˜‰
Andrew Rhyne
@pgayed Thanks!
Greg Schechter
Congratulations on the launch
Zach Tratar
@greg_schechter Thanks Greg!
Tarun Gangwani
Can you elaborate more re: the AI engine? Would love to share this with my newsletter readers.
Andrew Rhyne
@tarungangwani Sure! The AI engine is designed to augment the capabilities of our coaching staff by injecting relevant information, providing sentiment analysis, and performing lookup of relevant resources for the communication between coaches and customers. Less work + more effective coaching.
Shrinit Chavan
Congratulations guys. This is awesome. I tried the Boost chat, talked to @mnassif regarding my career and it felt like I was talking to a friend who is always there to help you out.
Andrew Rhyne
@shri @mnassif Woot! Glad you like it ;)
Great idea! I'm a little unclear on the difference between pricing options. Are topics a 1:1 match of chat sessions or can one have an ongoing topic over time?
Andrew Rhyne
@derek78756 Great question! Topics can be thought of as complete AI-augmented conversations that happen over time help clients solve a particular problem with their careers. There isn't any sort of matching system. Topics occur between the client and the Boost platform, which is powered by a mixture of dedicated coaching team, a network of industry experts, and AI.
Ayush Goel
The conversations presented on the site are pretty amazing. It looks like the bot is actually manned and someone somewhere is typing the answers.. πŸ˜… All the best.
Andrew Rhyne
@named_none It's a combination. The AI is designed to multiply human effectiveness and automate some aspects, but not run the conversations itself. Think of Boost as an Android :D
Aryeh Brickner
Nice idea. Very well executed...
I really like this theme, I need it