Hi everyone!
I'm one of the co-founders of Bowery, along with @stevekaliski and @thebyrd —we're really excited to release our new desktop app that makes it even easier to get started on a new project or share your development environment with others. We're also announcing our seed round—more details here: http://bowery.io/blog/posts/2014...
Would love feedback and thoughts on the product. What features do you wish your dev environment had? What can we make easier?
@zmh@stevekaliski@thebyrd "AWS will charge you for the machines you create at an m1.medium rate. Bowery is free for 30 days and 3 cents per hour after that." -- this seems pricey. Is this on top of the m1 price?
@jlax@zmh@stevekaliski@thebyrd From what I understand, it's 3 cents in addition to the AWS hourly fee charge. Dev Environ as a service could work well for lots a folks
This is potentially huge for those of us in the prototyping/product design side of the house. I've been dying for years for an easier way to tinker, test and deploy without needing to get a local environ set-up. The trick will be in simplifying initial set-up. Even getting AWS credentials into the system could be daunting. In the future, I hope Bowery could do something like look at a Github repo and auto-config a server based on requirements in the README.md file.
@shellen it's definitely something we're working on! Bowery 2 had a 'bowery.json' file you could place in your repo which would let a user clone the repo and boot up the infrastructure super quick. We're working on a similar feature for Bowery 3!
@stevekaliski@shellen That sounds awesome. Would be great for there to be a standard format for that information anyway. Perhaps you should promote a format that would be useful beyond Bowery. If that became something that people included in the .md or a required.json file that would be fantastic.
@zmh@oelamri@terminalcloud I haven't played around with it enough, but I can tell you what I want to see from my frustrations with Heroku: Make it easy to upgrade downgrade -- better yet, make it automatically elastic with un upper limit. Have more add-on options like multiple CDN's you can choose from, not just one (only viable one on Heroku is Cloudinary). And, most importantly, be ultra reliable; I've had countless times on Heroku where I just couldn't access the db from CLI.
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