Elena Luneva

Braintrust AIR - The world's first AI recruiter

Braintrust AIR - the first end-to-end AI recruiter. Experience end to end AI assisted recruiting: job description generation, matching, screening, and now interviewing.

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Elena Luneva
Recruiting today takes months! That's months of wasted productivity, additional work to your day job, and sifting through unqualified candidates. For talent it's effort without feedback, and no opportunity to improve. @usebraintrust 's mission is to change hiring for good. We did that by welcoming talent worldwide to join, apply for high-quality jobs, and connect with peers and professionals they look up to for career coaching in the Professional Network. This way, they can not only get a great job but also get personal coaching to land that next career aspiration. Our objective is to become the career destination, not just the job one. Today, we're simplifying the recruiting process further through end-to-end AI—welcome Braintrust AIR. Clients have been able to leverage AI job creation for months, and 40% do, saving them days in back-and-forth. Clients get matched to good and great matches, moving typical fill times from 17 days to 12 days. That's over 30% time savings. And now hiring managers and recruiters can interview candidates through Braintrust's AIR—Braintrust AI Recruiter. The first of its kind. Time-saving, candidate quality, candidate representation that goes beyond the flat resume, and the ability to interview the runner-ups too. Talent has been endlessly asking for interview feedback. AIR doubles as a career coach, providing feedback on the interviews candidates had and giving candidates the ability to practice interviewing through mock interviews. The Future of Recruiting is Now!
Filippo Calabrese
The product concept looks extremely promising! I am curious to see how this type of AI applied to real time conversations will evolve over the next few years. Definitely a product worth following!
Elena Luneva
@filippo_calabrese it’s already so developed. Agree! Looking forward to where we get to over these comping years
Elena Luneva
@filippo_calabrese very cool. A lot of innovation in this space.
Elena Luneva
@filippo_calabrese Looking forward to sharing our progress. Lots more planned on the roadmap. Stay tuned.
Oleksandra Vasiukhnyk
Braintrust AIR sounds like a revolutionary tool in the recruitment space! Utilizing AI for the entire recruitment process from job description generation to interviewing is truly impressive. It must significantly streamline hiring and ensure a great fit between companies and candidates. I'm curious, how does Braintrust AIR handle the nuances of different industry requirements in its screening process?
Mary Sempowicz
Hi @oleksandra_vasiukhnyk. Clients and hiring managers can use the AIR generated questions and grading criteria or provide their own for the screening interview. The questions and grading criteria that AIR generates is based on the unique job requirements and details and have been trained on our 4 years of interviewing, feedback from our internal recruiting team, client recruiting teams and the talent themselves.
Elena Luneva
@oleksandra_vasiukhnyk, it truly is revolutionary. Different skill, industry, and outcome requirements are captured in the job description. The hiring manager can outline these nuances themselves, or Braintrust can for them through the AI job description generator. Based on the nuances specified by the recruiter, Braintrust's AI matching algorithm returns good and great candidates. If the profiles are not what the hiring manager is looking for, they can update the job description to get an adjusted batch of candidate results. The AI is trained on years of Braintrust recruiting data, as well as recruiter trained.
Congrats on the launch Elena 🚀 How does Braintrust ensure that candidate matching takes into account subtle nuances about the candidates? Also I'm curious to hear if you have candidates pushing back from being interviewed by AI?
Elena Luneva
@jgani great questions @jgani. There are specific attributes and skills that are associated with the roles posted that are required by the hiring managers. Our AI model evaluates candidates based on these to return good and great matches. To your point the nuances are then covered in the interviews themselves. Talent has, so far, embraced the AI interviews because they get feedback and coaching, rather than the normal of submitting a resume to what seems like a black hole without feedback. We are refining the feedback mechanisms with talent as we test through the model. Additionally that feedback is paired with a professional network where talent can connect with peers to get 1:1 personal coaching on specific areas they want to work on.
Jon Whitby
Launching soon!
Congratulations on launching Braintrust AIR! It’s exciting to see the world's first AI recruiter offering end-to-end solutions from job description generation to interviewing. This sounds like a great tool for speeding up the recruitment process. I'm curious about how it ensures a match in company culture between employer and employee, as finding the perfect candidate is about more than just skill set.
Mary Sempowicz
@jonwhitby We believe that hiring should always involve human interaction. AIR will conduct the initial screening process and present the top candidates along with recommendations for further advancement. After this, the hiring manager can choose to conduct additional interviews as they see fit to determine additional criteria like culture fit.
Elena Luneva
@jonwhitby absolutely! We’re seeing a 30% time saving with matching alone. Culture is a big one, and hard to nail. Frequently what is said in the first rounds of interviews about the company culture is different to what manifests after you’ve worked there for a while. So this is one that traditional recruiting doesn’t get right, but is something we’re looking at through retention, client data integration and other avenues. Would love to hear your thoughts?
Robby Weitzman
Love this! Excited to see it in action!!
Elena Luneva
@robbyweitzman Can't wait for you to check it out.
Aman Wen
Clicked that upvote coz recruitment can be a real slog. Are we talking about an AI that can truly understand the nuances of a candidate beyond keywords, tho? If this thing can help dodge a few awkward interviews, it's a win. Curious tho how's it at handling the softer skills assessment?
Elena Luneva
@aman_wen incredibly impressive. Checkout Leo's feedback here https://fortune.com/crypto/2024/... The training is based on our 4 years of interviewing, feedback from our internal recruiting team, client recruiting teams and the talent themselves. Obviously we'll continue to refine and get better and update the community on those revs.
Nataliia Tuchapets
The platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it accessible to users of all levels of technical expertise.
Max Kamyshev
Frankly, I'm really excited about the potential of automation in recruitment and onboarding, especially for its ability to significantly save time. So I'm particularly interested in trying out Braintrust's features like candidate sourcing, resume screening, and video interview grading system. These tools seem like they could be incredibly valuable to explore for my business. Congrats on launching this wonderful product!
Elena Luneva
@max_kamyshev Thanks Max. Absolutely. Our AI Matching has condensed recruiting from 17 days to 12 days since January. 40% of our customers are using the AI job description generator. Looking forward to speaking with you further on how we can accelerate your business.
Emily Willis
Launching soon!
Great video! This saves hiring teams hours of time—a game-changer! Thinking from the perspective of the candidates, are they able to prepare for their interview "record" by recording some test runs to watch themselves back before they submit it, then receive feedback & improve it? This really evens the playing field for many candidates who struggle in live (human) interviews to be able to record async, perfect it, and then submit.
Elena Luneva
@emily_willis1 Our thoughts exactly. We are refining solutions for both of those. The ability to mock interviews and the interview feedback so that talent can get actionable, just-in-time feedback and be positioned even better for that next interview. The Braintrust Professional network has 800K+ professionals that candidates can then reach out to get 1:1 personal coaching. I do agree that interviewing is a skill, and our aspiration is to even the playing field and get candidates the coaching they need to not only get the job but be positioned to grow in their career.
Eileen Lim
Impressive! The screening and matching process with Braintrust AIR is seamless. Moved from job posting to interviewing candidates much quicker than usual. This is a game-changer for any busy hiring manager looking to save time and headache. Kudos to the team!
Mary Sempowicz
@eileen_lim 🙌 Thanks!
Elena Luneva
@eileen_lim thanks! Clients are reporting a 30% time savings and this is before the interviewing piece
Alain Goldman
Sounds very cool good job!!
Shushant Lakhyani
Looks like many businesses will have AI recruiters in the future
Elena Luneva
@shushant_lakhyani agree with that sentiment. When we speak with our clients, this is the most time-consuming part of the process. The future is here. Hiring managers want to spend time welcoming the candidate, getting the reverse interview, and seeing a more 3D view of the candidate rather than a flat resume.
Great product! this will be hugely beneficial for the future career environment.
Elena Luneva
@heyalbert Thanks Albert. In absolute agreement. The Future is here
Vasily Kolosov
Congrats on the launch! I'm curious about how it maintains a human touch while using AI and how it ensures fair and unbiased candidate screening and matching. How does Braintrust AIR ensure that candidates and employers receive a personalized and effective experience throughout the recruiting process?
Elena Luneva
@vasily_kolosov1 great question and one we’re never done addressing. The biggest pain point talent raise to us is the number of applications they have to submit. And that most they get no feedback on. We’re looking to fix that by snipping our questions they already answered so they don’t have to keep answering the “how do you work with engineers” question. The second is actually giving candidates feedback on how they did on their interview - real time. Once they get the areas to improve on they connect with over 800K professionals to help them 1:1 to improve on those areas. Interviewing is a skill and we’re looking to be there for talent for the career journey rather than the single job. That way they are prepared to get this job, and then continue to grow to get the even better one in time.
Nika Salute
All the recruiters are now just like "what😅"
Elena Luneva
@nika_salute it's such a time saver. The recruiter job is sooooo hard. We're removing all the shlog aspects.
Kate Ramakaieva
Congrats! I love the concept, being in the recruiting process many times - I really glad that now it is possible to delegate some to AI 💛
Elena Luneva
@kate_ramakaieva Thanks Kate! its revolutionary. Instead of wading through hundreds of flat resumes, hiring managers can now have the conversation and get a fuller candidate profile for their specific role.
Ghost Kitty
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Elena Luneva
@gargtoshit Thanks!
Claire Lee
That is awesome. Sorting through resumes and conducting dozens of hiring screens really takes a toll on you after a while. Can't wait to have AI help with this and save time. Congratulations to the Braintrust team!
Elena Luneva
@clairsyyy so true. Just leveraged Braintrust for my recent tokenomics PM hire. Such a time saver and now we have a quality hire with so much less work from me as a hiring manager.
Elena Luneva
@clairsyyy couldnt agree more.
congratulations on the launch, elena, mary, nasser, and adam! braintrust air sounds like a game-changer for recruiters with its end-to-end ai solutions. i'm curious, how do you see ai transforming the recruitment industry in the next few years? excited to see where you take this exciting product next.
Elena Luneva
@mashy it is! We see a full recruiting transformation. Today, there is significant waste on the recruiter and applicant side. There is also a lack of transparency. We see AI transforming the entire process for good. Enabling hiring managers to spend their time with those most qualified and applicants discovering and applying for the roles most suited to their skills and career aspirations.