Hussan Choudhry

BrandHunt V2 - Search/track domain & social media handles in real time.


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Atakan Goktepe
Hey, I've tested brandhunt and looks like facebook checker doesn't working perfectly. It says available when i make a search for any domain.
Hussan Choudhry
@acayipdeistim ah ok, i will look into this asap. Thanks!
Hussan Choudhry
Hey guys, Just to let you know, since the last time we were featured, here are the changes we have made from feedback from our amazing users! 1) Now you can track domains which are taken to be alerted as soon as they become available 2) You can purchase available domain names 3) Introduced a more robust technology stack so allow much faster searches 4) Settings which allow you to choose from over 100 different TLDs 5) My account section to store search histories Hope you guys love it! :D Hussan
Product Pearson
I got a "Your connection is not private" error when trying to connect on Chrome, so I had to go through the Advanced Settings to access the site. Seems to be when using https:// but no active SSL license?
Hussan Choudhry
@theashtube that is super strange! we defiantly have an ssl cert, but will look into it
Product Pearson
@hussanchoudhry hi again Hussan. It seems to be our office network. I tried again on 4G over my phone and it worked fine. Not sure what caused the issue over office network.
Hussan Choudhry
@theashtube ah, super weird, thanks!
Tom Frazier
Great tool. Thanks!
Ryan Browne
Thank you! This helped me find a website domain that I was able to purchase for only $2!
Jeffrey Wyman
it probably won't happen in my lifetime, but at least now I can stop wondering whether will become available. thanks :)
Lee Rickler
Nice work but when I tried a few obvious names - Sony, for example, it showed certain domains available when they most definitely are taken.
Assif Riyazuddin
Its very useful, Great Work :)
exex zian
Nice one with simple UI :) , however along with facebook can you check instagram also. As I see not available for much of the search queries
Marco Fabrega
I really do like the utility of the site and the simplicity of the experience!