Jack Qiao

Brandmark - The deep learning logo maker


Brandmark creates a unique logo, color scheme and website template in seconds. It uses deep learning to understand your stylistic intentions, creating a unique brand every time.

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Jack Qiao
hey guys I think there are a bunch of logo makers on PH now, but Brandmark has a slightly different take on the concept. Brandmark uses deep learning to make the design process quick and simple. It uses a conv net to search for unique icons, a GAN for color generation, and word vectors for style-intent extraction. I previously created https://www.producthunt.com/post... for color generation and https://www.producthunt.com/post... for font pairing. This product is sort of the "avengers assemble" moment where I combine and refine those concepts into something bigger. Here's a writeup on the deep learning techniques I used: http://brandmark.io/intro/ let me know if you have any questions or comments!
@giannidalerta No need to fear for designers as there are more important tasks for them to focus on. I see this as a design method/tool, something we eventually build into the rest of our tools. That is not to replace designers, but rather to (hopefully) aid them.
Ufo Nguyen
@chrismoyeris agreed with you. I see this tool as a simple fast way to get inspirations for the designers to speed up the brainstorming process of making logos.
Nicholas A. Raphael
This is awesome! Nice job! Could be useful when needing a logo for a quick MVP
Gianni D'Alerta
Really well done. While I fear for designers with tools like these, I feel it gives some a head start. Well for the smart business minded designers this could be a very profitable tool. :) You may want to create a way for the designers to leverage this somehow as it seems that its geared to the end customer.
Dawson Whitfield
amazing job Jack - especially love the weight matching of fonts and symbols
Raphael Morozov
Love the concept and wish you luck! Still not quite there in execution, but can't wait to see where it goes
Sean Byrnes
Just tried this and it works surprisingly well. Nice job.
German Yesid Rubiano
It's an excellent tool for the creative block; and good example for ML in the creative world.
Saurabh Verma
This is amazingly well done.
Shyam P
this is a awesome tool
Chandan Kumar
Looks amazing. Tried making one and loved it. Congratulations and good luck ahead.
Amazing product! The AI stuff aside, the UI/UX design of this product is ahead of the competitions. Great jot @jak_9994