Jack Qiao

Brandmark V2 - The deep learning logo maker


Brandmark.io has been completely revamped, with tons of new logo styles, unique fonts and AI technologies packed into the backend.

We now offer pre-branded design assets, perfect for kickstarting your next venture.

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Jack Qiao
hey guys it's been a few months since I launched the original brandmark.io https://www.producthunt.com/post... - since then I've been hard at work on version 2 with a completely new UX There are a lot of logo makers on product hunt, but brandmark differentiates itself with the application of deep learning technologies - we use a convolutional NN for icon categorization, font pairing, and a GAN for color generation. One of the new logo types we have is the letter-replacement design. We use a NN to find icons that are shaped like a letter in your company name, that are also related thematically to your brand keywords. anyways, check it out and let me know what you think!
Antonio Viggiano
Very simple walk-through and UX, I like it However I feel it would be nice to provide at least something for free (e.g. low-res logo, less options, no editing). As I've said in other PH logo generator posts, I am reluctant to pay more than $5 for an automated service if I can hire a designer on fiverr for that exact same price, who will give more customization.
Jack Qiao
@aviggiano Hi Antônio! I'm working on a completely free alternative for users who feel the pricing is too high. Sign up to our mailing list (on one of the tools pages) to get notified when it's available. I think it could be a lot of work to sort through fiverr designs, as seen in this medium post: https://medium.com/swlh/in-the-p... convenience and immediacy is one of our selling points. If you need any customization I'm happy to do it for you, which is another way we differentiate from other logo maker services.
Antonio Viggiano
@jak_9994 That's an great post, and it makes a good point. Personally, if I wanted a good logo, I wouldn't hire someone for $5, but if I was just building a quick MVP to validate an idea, I would want to spend as little as possible. That's why I am desperately looking for a good freemium logo generator (still haven't found it). If it the idea proves to be successful, I would buy a professional logo. Maybe there's a business opportunity there, I don't know. I will definitely sign up to your mailing list, thanks.
Samuel Beard

The potential of something like this is rather big. But at the moment it just sticks random icons above random fonts.


UI looks great


Just another AI made these logos site.

Olga Pudrovska
I've been watching Jack's projects for some time. They are really impressive. V2 is a considerable improvement over V1.
Sarah Evans
I can’t imagine the amount of hours that went into creating this. It’s fun to try out products like this to see technology at work. Products like this showcase your talents and offer an opportunity for others to create. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
Gil Hildebrand
Gorgeously designed, brilliantly executed, and very simple to use. Lots of logo options to pick from. I personally didn't find a match that I like more than my existing logo, but perhaps I just have an attachment to it already.
Sam Campbell
Wow, tried this out for a side project I'm working on and quite impressed with the design. Great work!
Joel Wasserman
What people forget about logo design is the relationship between curves and spacing and shapes...how a Y looks in next to to another letter in terms on flowing aesthetic is different between fonts...I don't think its easy to achieve this when you automate it...People want their brand to be unique and that takes looking at the relationship of letter shapes between fonts......people don't want there logos to be generic it defeats the purpose of having a logo. Learning about typography and color is an art and can be subjective...but it should invoke a feeling of emotion or reference to something that could be nostalgic or a connection to the topic or brand...might be a while before you have machines understanding that.
Dimitar Raykov
Well done Jack! 🤘
Alex Sharp
Um, wow. Just did a quick run-through for a product I'm working on and I'm pretty blown away by the results and overall experience. Incredible job.
Lars Janssen

Great concept that works awesome.


Works like a charm!


Not yet found

David Berkowitz

You get slightly more than what you pay for here. It's more clever and offers more variety than other such tools I've seen, but that doesn't mean the quality is any better.


You can generate a lot of logos


Most of the logos are really terrible

William Tucker
Brandmarks services are well worth it if you don't have the expertise to make your own logo. Their AI can generate thousands of possibilities which you can then pick and fully customize yourself. If you pay for their full package you are given an amazing amount of assets. Different colors, backgrounds, and even promotional images featuring your logo. All downloadable individually or you can download everything at once. Highly recommend.
Just checked it out. Looks amazing. I'll make a logo very soon with you guys!!
Opaque pricing - fantastic! Why not be upfront about the price of a service?
Agne Motuz
I have purchased the designer package for 65$ that was offered to me after creating a logo for my brand. I really enjoyed the UI and I liked a large variety of logos to choose from. So I figured paying a bit more than just for a logo to get an opportunity to create and edit different designs for social media, business cards etc. would be a great deal. However as soon as I started using site's SVG editor I immediately experienced issues. Firstly, it was impossible to write a text consisting of more than just one line and in order to do that I had to create several different text boxes. Also the editor didn't have automatic alignment so it was impossible to get even spaces between different text boxes. The editor lagged and did not perform properly even though the reception was perfect. To edit all the sample pictures the way I wanted I had to download them and use my own editor which made the Brandmark's editor completely useless. I really hope those issues will be fixed in the future.