hey guys
you might have seen my other product that serves a similar function: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Fontjoy finds interesting relationships between fonts using neural net embeddings - it works well but doesn't really have notions of visual aesthetics. Font generator uses a human-guided approach where it chooses from a number of hand-picked contrast vectors.
Sometimes I have a general idea of the fonts I want, but still would like to see a few similar variations. Font generator finds these variations and serves them up quickly so you can flip through different design ideas.
Font generator also presents the font in a simple blog layout, so you can see the fonts in context.
let me know if you have any questions or comments!
This looks useful. I played around with it for a couple of minutes.
3 suggestions:
First: Make the dropdowns and initial preview in the first fold of the page itself. Right now, the first fold of the page is the logo and name for Font Generator. I have to scroll down and position the page correctly to start using it. (position correctly == drop-downs exactly at the top and remaining at bottom).
Second: Is there a way for me to see recent history of font pairings I tried using 'random'? I will keep hitting random to see what it brings up, and suddenly I'll realize "Oh, the pairing I saw 3 pairings ago looked better than all of these", and I'd want to go back to it.
Third: Is there a way for me to mark "I like this pairing" somewhere, and your intelligent backend to compute and show me more pairings "similar" to my liked pairs?
Good stuff with this.