Yann Bertrand

Brand Mentions [Pre-launch] - Find every relevant mention for your brand & competitors


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Razvan Gavrilas
Hey ProductHunters, very excited to be featured on PH with the BrandMentions tool. We built it because no other tool reports most of the new mentions for a brand. Google Alerts is broken for years and the other tools report fragmented sets of data. The aim of the tool is to report as many relevant web mentions as possible. We crawl & collect as much data as possible in order to produce the most complete feed of mentions possible. We also filter spammy and irrelevant mentions. You can setup email alerts to notify you daily or weekly when new mentions appear. Give it a try @ http://brandmentions.com/ It's Free for Now! Ping me if you have any questions :)
Razvan Gavrilas
@irishisharma glad to hear. you should setup your favorite email alerts so you get notified when the "web" mentions your name/brand/competitors.
Eileen B.
@razvan_gavrilas Great product! Very excited to see your note today that it now includes Twitter mentions of your brand. I am using for both my "day job" and my "side project." It works incredibly well for both areas and is more comprehensive in what it provides than my current Google Alerts.
Razvan Gavrilas
@whichwayeileen glad to hear Eileen. stay tuned as more cool stuff is coming ;)
Ben Tossell
How does this compete with others in this spce? e.g. Mention, Notify etc
Razvan Gavrilas
@bentossell hi Ben, all of the tools we tried until now report a limited set of web mentions. we focus on gathering as much data as possible in order to return the most relevant results that are published about a brand every day. If you don't get all the mentions about the keyword that you track then you might miss on a lot and you don't even know. that is the main USP of BrandMentions: Find Every Relevant Mention about Anyone or Anything in a Heartbeat in the near future social mentions will be added too.
Andreas Mitschke
@razvan_gavrilas @bentossell Mention actually does a pretty good job in collecting a lot of feedback. I sometimes even get surprised where it gets the mentions from.
Razvan Gavrilas
@andmitsch you should do a test and compare ;)
Kristi Hines
Great new monitoring tool! :)
Farah Berahman
Imrat Jn
I tried a couple of searches for niche brands and it worked great! Well done. Slack integration will be super useful.
Razvan Gavrilas
@imrat glad to hear ;) setup the alerts. slack is coming soon ;)
Adel de Meyer

BrandMentions is a full-stack marketing tool that can be best used to do:

Reputation Management - shape and stay in control of your company’s image.

Brand Monitoring - gain marketing insights about any company around the globe.

Competitor Spying - expose and analyze your competitors’ strategies.

Media Monitoring - monitor the web & social media for mentions of any business.

Business Intelligence - identify market opportunities that will grow your company.

Personal brands, small businesses and even enterprise level clients can all benefit greatly from using BrandMentions. Real-time monitoring and responding is becoming more and more important with such a fast pace online world we live in today. Having tried and tested relevant competitors to BrandMentions I can honestly say that the quality of data BrandMentions provide is better.


Sentiment analysis

Relevant & correct data

Instant mentions and links alerts

Real time web traffic monitoring

Personalized automated reports


Looking forward to a mobile app version.

Ouriel Ohayon
tried a search on my company: returns all the product entries i posted :( you may have a parsing issue
Razvan Gavrilas
@ourielohayon if you tell me the query we can investigate. surely it returns also the products you post on your site as those are mentions as well. to filter out a specific domain do a query like: "brand -site:brand.com"
Ouriel Ohayon
@razvan_gavrilas i searched "appsfire" and it returns all the product hunt entries i made which are unrelated to my company...
Razvan Gavrilas
@ourielohayon they are still mentions that can be found on the web :) do a query like: appsfire -site:producthunt.com and it will exlcude your ProductHunt Mentions. More advanced filtering capabilities will be added in the future ;)
Razvan Gavrilas
@ourielohayon understood. you would want simple to use filtering such as "click and go" , not query like params if I understand correctly.
Ryan Mac
How can I skip email and go straight to slack?
Razvan Gavrilas
@ryanmac will be adding this functionality in the commercial version
Colin Gardiner
Glad to see a new product in this space as it is not a solved problem. Used on my iPhone and was pretty rough experience but otherwise nifty! Found quite a few obscure mentions. For brands with common word names have you explored a negative list?
Razvan Gavrilas
@colingardiner common words brands will get a special filtering algo in the commercial version. Now you could use the language and location filtering if it makes sense for you. Tks for the feedback. The mobile version is not at its best indeed.
Thomas Soerenes
It's an okay service, not sure I would pay for it. What I don't like about it is that there is no way to delete your account. I emailed/messaged them asking "How do I delete my account?" and instead of answering my question, they replied asking me to explain why I wanted to delete it.
Katie Gerber
Really love Brand Mentions! I've tried so many other tools and this seems to be more robust and reliable than any that I've seen. The interface is nice and there are definitely fewer false positives in my results. Looking forward to playing with this more.
Jesse Nalls

I have been using Brand Mentions for about 3 months now, and it has become an asset to my company. Having the ability to track any mention of my company allows me to see any feedback, and also helps with our product roadmap. I am a huge fan, and would recommend Brand Mentions to everyone!


Great UI, Increased SEO, See where your Company name is being mentioned, as well as your competitors


mobile app