Phill Agnew

Benchmark from Brandwatch - The visualization for better social media insights


Benchmark instantly reveals how you’re actually performing and why.

It analyzes social data - including your brands, products, influencers, sentiment, or even audience demographics - and compares an instant historical average.

Plus, you can benchmark that data against your competitors to truly measure performance.

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Shreyaa Ratra
Hey @aurelie_debeyter, How can we try out the product ?
Phill Agnew
@aurelie_debeyter @shreyaa_ratra 👋 Hey Shreyaa! Fill out this form and we'll set you up with a demo to try the product:
Shreyaa Ratra
@aurelie_debeyter @p_agnew Sure. Doing that right away. Meanwhile, few thoughts if you are doing B2B : Target companies who are hiring for social media manager because if a company is hiring for social media, it will be willing to invest money on this tool. Target companies who have recently raised funds because if a company has raised funds, it will be spending money on social media.
Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @aurelie_debeyter, Can you tell us more about Benchmark and how it differs from other similar products out there.
Phill Agnew
@jacqvon Hey Jacqueline, I can help! Benchmark is unique as it allows you to compare *any* type of social data. So, for example, I can quickly Benchmark how much each fast food brand's vegan range is talked about, or for example, how many movie lovers are interested in Netflix before and after a major launch. That level of flexibility is unique. For more info on those examples check out my blog:
Carmel Anderson

Great starting steps into Brandwatch - give it a go!


It's great!



Pablo Fernández
How does it know which ones are my competitors? Do I set them myself?
Phill Agnew
@pupeno You can set them up yourself using a simple search. This means you can search specifically for competitor products (e.g. iPhone 7) rather than just the brand (e.g. Apple). Hope that helps!