Kevin William David

Breadcrumb - Enabling children to explore and learn on their own

Self-learning and discovery are the central tenet of Breadcrumb! The app offers a vast collection of curated content as collections & learning paths!
Your child 🧒
📕 Decides what to learn
📝 Discovers their potential
📈 Journals their progress!
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Sharanya Dilip
Hello, fellow Product Hunters. From being someone who loves finding amazing apps on PH to having a chance to put up our own, feels great!  Thank you @kevin for hunting. Our story: Breadcrumb was created out of a need to provide a safe avenue into exploring the digital world and the wide ocean of content on the internet. At Quest, our learning centre for children where we facilitate self-directedness, we have a physical environment that has everything a child would love to jump right into and explore; we have wonderful facilitators who nurture wide-eyed curiosity with project ideas, big questions and just the right amount of positive reinforcement. But when it came to traversing the digital world, we could not let them explore it without constantly monitoring what they were watching or clicking. Here's why you should try it out: Now that we’ve seen it being one of the greatest tools that empowers our 7–12 year olds, we wanted to make it available for every learner across the world. Once you download the app, here’s what you’d see: 1. Explore Tab: The best of the best content available on the internet is curated into collections or learning paths here - both by experts and our team of incredible moms! 2. Schedule Tab: Helps the learner schedule the order in which they’d do the activities - reducing clutter or distractions 3. Journal Tab: One sure-shot way of recording their work so it’s saved forever and there are zero tantrums for loosing their work-of-art from the fridge or their bedroom wall We also think you’d love these two features: Checklist for Materials: For activities that children can do and learn - like art, origami, experiments, projects etc; this neat little feature helps ensure that they have everything they need around them before they begin watching the video. Screen Time: Need we say more? Right after login, children get to decide how much screen time they’d spend on the app. When the time is up, a pop-up appears letting them know that the time they set, is up. They can choose to extend it or wrap up for the day. Breadcrumb is for any learner who can read and navigate through all the content in there. So we’d say it’s suitable for 7+ year olds. But if you’d be willing to assist your 4 - 6 year old, we’ve got them covered as well. Happy exploring! Can't wait to hear from you.
Laszlo Peter Gyarmati
@kevin @sharanyadilip Love it! Love it! Love it! Where does the study material come from?
Sharanya Dilip
@kevin @laszlo_peter_gyarmati thank you! We have two types of content: collections (where the learner can choose any card - unstructured learning) and learning paths (where the learner has to do one card after the other - structured learning). The flow of content, our content team designs; while the videos in each card are curated from the internet.
Shrey Keny
Breadcrumb looks like a really cool app for children! In a world where persuasive technology hasn't left children's apps alone, I like how Breadcrumb takes a different approach! Kudos to @SharanyaDilip and @srikanth_chandrasekaran for building such an awesome app!
Sharanya Dilip
@srikanth_chandrasekaran @shreykeny Thank you Shrey! I'm glad we think alike :) We very strongly believe that children are excellent decision makers too.
Bogdan Ionita
Looks like a great UX for this library and that really helps with effectiveness
Sharanya Dilip
@bogdan_ionita Thank you so much! A lot of thought went in with our friends @sonaal and @jamesramya to make it this epic and this slick. Most importantly it had to be minimalist so there are zero distractions for children.
Nitin Gupta
Looks interesting. Will try it out!
Sharanya Dilip
@nitingupta193 Yay! That would be awesome. Tell us how it is, once you do. Waiting!
Vaishnav Vharkat
Such a good app! Loved the features it has to offer, and the Kanban board will definitely help in being organized!
Sharanya Dilip
@vaishnavvharkat Thank you! OMG! Isn't it the best? A top favourite for every kid is the press-and-hold to move the card in the Schedule section. They are also so intuitive about it.
Shawn Pereira
I like the idea of Breadcrumb. It's something I would have liked to use as a kid myself - I enjoyed a variety of topics and browsed through topics in encyclopaedias like one jumps through Wikipedia articles. I would definitely want my younger cousins try this out - are there plans for a web/Android version of the app?
Sharanya Dilip
@incept_shawn that is fascinating! Yes, we are working on a web version! By June, this year.
Muhammad Ali Effendy
Amazing app! Much easier to learn core concepts using the app. A must-have for kids. Splendid job @srikanth_chandrasekaran @sharanyadilip 👏
Sharanya Dilip
@alieffendy thanks effendy!
Tom Binga
Looks great! Now if only someone would create something for my almost 2 year old...
Sharanya Dilip
@tom_binga Haha! Entirely gesture based app.
Srikanth Chandrasekaran
Thank you! We are overwhelmed by the love shown! It is our strong belief that "How to Learn" is an important skill to have for every learner, especially in this age of persuasive Technology. Breadcrumb has been built by us precisely to facilitate that. From planning to executing and then reflecting , every activity on Breadcrumb reinforces these three elements in a very spontaneous way!
Shreya Nagarajan
Have used the app on many occasions and it certainly got me thinking about self directed learning for children, especially when I see them use it and enjoy it. Really wish we had these sort of tools and spaces when we grew up.
Sharanya Dilip
@shreyanagarajan so happy to hear that! Yeah, in a way the app is our way of creating and building everything we wished we had as kids!
Max Prilutskiy
Sounds nice! 💯
Saakshi Gulati Syal
Brilliant app! Love the self directed learning for kids and the fact that you've included structured and unstructured learning.
Jun Song
Excellent. Will be checking this out with my 8 year old!
Kurian Benoy
Excellent, what age group are you focusing on?