Discover lead scoring for how it was meant to be
Massimo Chieruzzi
Breadcrumbs Reveal — ML-driven ideal customer profile insights to win more deals
Clarity around your ideal customer profile drives better leads and more conversions. Reveal ingests and analyzes data from Hubspot, Salesforce, Marketo, and more to unearth 1) what data can be trusted and 2) what attributes are the best predictors of revenue.
Massimo Chieruzzi
Hello fellow ProductHunters 👋 Working on Breadcrumbs to help our customers identify and maximize hidden revenue opportunities, we discovered that most businesses constantly struggle with two huge issues: Data Quality: Most teams have a really hard time understanding the quality of the data in their CRM. Which fields are populated or incomplete, which kind of data do they contain, which correlation with revenue and impact do they have. ICP validation: All of us have an Ideal Customer Profile in mind. Very often tho this is anecdotal at best, not really supported by data or backed by research that was done too far out in time to be relevant/useful anymore. Today we’re super pumped to release Breadcrumbs Reveal, a 100% free tool that will deep dive into your CRM or Marketing Automation data to quickly:
  • Surface the state of your underlying data infrastructure, identify gaps in your data collection strategy, highlight strong correlation between users’ profiles and their likelihood to become paying customers.
  • Leverage Machine Learning to look into thousands of leads and customers profiles so that you can validate your ICP assumptions with actual data and/or discover completely new ICPs worth focusing on
The tool is as easy as it gets:
  • Sign up (did I mention it’s 100% free?)
  • Connect your CRM or MAP (Hubspot, Marketo, Salesforce, Activecampaign, Mailchimp, etc.)
  • Select a list of leads and customers for our system to analyze
  • Grab a cup of coffee while our system crunches the data
  • Get a super detailed report on your data quality and ICPs opportunities
I’m confident this tool will have a big impact both on your marketing strategy (collect the right data during leadgen) and sales team (target the right ICPs). Would love to hear your feedback and any idea on how we can make it better. Ciao Max
Massimo Chieruzzi
@fares_aktouf Thanks 🙏
Massimo Chieruzzi
@katerina_kurshina Thanks! We care a lot about brand identity 🙂
Al Khan
@massimocw What a valuable tool! Analysing customer data is very important for the smooth running of any business. This is an ideal tool for sales & marketing to improve CRM data. Congratulations on another successful launch!
Gary Amaral
@massimocw @katerina_kurshina Thanks so much for the support!
Gary Amaral
@massimocw @fares_aktouf Thanks Fares, appreciate it!
Armando Biondi
Boom! Beyond excited to release this in the wild as a resource for the whole community!!
Mustafa S.
Great tool for customer development. Congrats on the launch team!
Adam Feber
@milkers thank you! Customer development is definitely something that businesses struggle with, especially at scale when it's harder to manage every lead and customer interaction. Our hope is that Reveal helps provides clarity around who you bests customers are today so you can get more of them tomorrow!
Gary Amaral
@milkers Appreciate the support!
Mustafa S.
@gary_amaral1 🤘🏼 @adamfeber yes, CD is a science and you need tools and measurements for it to be under control. Most of the time companies invest in lakes or cages to put the customers in but then they are lost in the clutter of their own creation. I admire your tool's vision on that aspect. Best, good luck!
Giandomenico Macaluso
Congratulation!! Super useful and insightful results to improve our CRM data! 🤯
Massimo Chieruzzi
@gianmix Thanks Giandomenico 🙏
Gary Amaral
@gianmix We think so! Thanks for the support.
Adam Feber
@gianmix Thank you! One small step for man, one giant leap for CRM data. 🚀
James Dohm
LFG solid tool! Great video and marketing too. Will share with my sales friends 👌
Adam Feber
@jamesdohm LFG right back at ya! Don't leave out your marketing, product, and growth friends as they can find just as much value in Reveal as sales professional. Thanks for the support! 👊🏼
Gary Amaral
@jamesdohm Thanks for spreading the word, don't leave out the marketing and revops/mops folks
Adam Feber
👋 Hello Product Hunters, I’m excited to be a part of this Reveal release. Reveal was originally created as an internal tool to onboard our own customers, but so many people found value in these insights alone that we decided to bring it to market as a free, standalone tool for the community! 🎁 So why give Reveal a peak? Most products and services compete with dozens, or even hundreds of other alternatives. 😱 If you’re involved in the go-to-market motion, it’s mission-critical nowadays to collect clean lead, opportunity, and customer data to make data-driven decisions around who is most likely to buy—and continue to use—your product or service. Flying blind can be a costly mistake if marketing isn’t targeting the right audience and sales is chasing leads that aren’t likely to close. Reveal is here to help guide you and your team! 🙌 It starts with understanding the health of your marketing automation and CRM data to know what data your can trust vs. where there are gaps that you need to work on filling. Using the "good data" that is available—and introduced over time—we’ll highlight the properties that are highly correlated to predicting your best customers (i.e., your ideal customer profiles). 🥳 When marketing and sales are armed with clean data and aligned what ideal customer profiles look like, they are able to focus their energy on campaigns and conversations that are most likely to generate more customers and revenue. 🚀 👉 Go ahead and give Reveal a try today and let us know what you think!
Michael Kilcullen
Congrats on the launch @adamfeber + team! Sounds awesome and great explainer/storyboard!
Adam Feber
@michael_kilcullen thanks Michael! Both the product and creative were a blast to make. Cheers to better fit leads and customers!
Gary Amaral
@michael_kilcullen @adamfeber Thanks for the support, means a lot
Viktoria Nalyvaiko
Good luck!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@viktoria_nalyvaiko Thanks Viktoria!
Gary Amaral
@viktoria_nalyvaiko Much appreciated
Devon Malloy
This is a killer idea. Way to go, Massimo & team 🍞
Adam Feber
@devon_malloy appreciate the kind words! I wish we could take all the credit for the idea, but we just listened to our customers and built a product around their needs!
Gary Amaral
@devon_malloy Thanks Devon, we think so too
Dan Sodergren
Loving this - congrats from all at the www.YourFLOCK.co.uk team
Adam Feber
@danfromflock a big thank you from the Breadcrumbs team!
Gary Amaral
@danfromflock Thanks for the support Dan and team
Cecilia A.
We found out that to build a great data-driven ICP, you need to have good data collection strategies in place. This tool will help you understand and optimize your data quality and build great ICPs.
Adam Feber
@ceci_teaflor Well said 🤩
Maya Ben Zid
@massimocw One of the most thought-out launches I've seen. Great work on the product, the video, and the description. Also, I'm amazed that you offer the tool for free.
Massimo Chieruzzi
@maya_ovice Thanks Maya! The credits for the great launch go to @adamfeber @gary_amaral1 and our great marketing team :)
Irene Mingozzi
Amazing work! 👏
Gary Amaral
@iremingoz Thanks so much!!!
Gary Amaral
So happy to bring another product to market I'm confident will help teams crush their revenue goals. I wish I had Breadcrumbs Reveal at my previous gigs and didn't have to spend countless hours doing tedious work just to understand what my data looked like. With Reveal I could have focused on what really matters, leveraging the data to accelerate revenue and deepen relationships! Hope you like it.
Gary Amaral
So overwhelmed with the post feedback. Reveal solves a real problem that I've experienced over and over again during my career. Happy to help take away some of the pain!
Andy Wong
I am fan! Congratulations again! 🎉🎉🎉
Adam Feber
@andy_wong4 thanks Andy, we're big fans of your support! 🙏🏼
Massimo Chieruzzi
@andy_wong4 Thanks 🙏
Gary Amaral
@andy_wong4 thanks Andy, much appreciated!!!
Ike Jin Park
Congratulations, Massimo!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@ike_jin_park1 Thanks Ike!!! 🙏
Nice product. Congrats!
Adam Feber
@basharath thank you for the kinds words and support! 🙏🏼 It looks like you've got some pretty cool products yourself! Keep up the great work!
Gary Amaral
@basharath Thank, stoked you like it!
Wow! Truly great, and very nicely realized idea! *_* Congrats on the launch! It is indeed an awesome tool that can help a lot with development and strategies, and I will be so happy to try it out! ^___^
Massimo Chieruzzi
@maria_brm Thanks Maria!!
@massimocw You are very welcome! It is definitely product that deserves a great support! I will be glad to share soon first insights! ^_^
Saba Zewdie B.
Congrats on creating another great tool!
Adam Feber
@saba_b Thanks Saba, we're pretty proud of this one and hope many businesses get value out if it! 🥳
Gary Amaral
@saba_b Thanks a bunch