All-in-one team engagement and recognition solution.
Thibaud Elziere
Briq for Slack β€” Engage your team with easy daily recognition

Briq is on a mission: help teams build a unique company culture in minutes, not years! πŸ‘«πŸ‘­

Briq lets you show recognition thanks to virtual credits with a simple Slack command. Celebrate small and big wins, engage your teammates, and spread recognition in your company every single day.

Christophe Pasquier

We're supper happy users of Briq, here at Slite. The team behind Briq built an incredible product, super easy to use and which brings a truly new dimension to the way we celebrate each of our daily micro milestones.

The idea behind briq is super simple : you can give briq, and receive some from your colleague via Slack commands. The way you use them afterwhile is up to your team : you can use one of their apps or code your own.

This is especially useful as part of our team is working remotely : it brings back some non-verbal elements of communication you experience in an office.

It clearly has become essential in our daily live @πŸ›° πŸ€—


simplicity, hapiness @ work



Laurent VB
Thanks Christophe, it's been a ton of fun building Briq with beta users like you and the Slite team.
Laure Albouy

Briq has a super positive impact on team dynamics, empowering everyone to thank each other and recognize team members' accomplishments/help/ideas etc!


Easy, fun and it really encourages you to thank your teammates more often and more naturally.


None - this is the best (if not only) peer recognition I've ever used at work

Pierre Renaudin

I just want to share briq with my girlfriend now, and my mom, and my dog - Briq for al


Great to build a remote culture by peer recognition!

Love to exchange briqs, especially when I are miles away from my teammates



Axel Le Pennec
Man, we love Briq at eFounders! It changed the way we all interact, collaborate and have fun at work! We always joke at the office that we couldn't imagine not having Briq or that we want to send Briq to our family members. It really became part of the company culture, super cool!
Yasmine Guyot

Using briq is part of our DNA now at Spendesk. We're addicted! It's also a fun and easy way to set up a perks system for the team.


Fun & as simple as a slack command



Laurent VB
Thanks Yasmine, we're so happy to watch your usage stats at Spendesk every week πŸ˜‚
Julien Berthomier

Use it everyday at the office! Really creates awesome vibes in our team. It's an easy way to create a culture of collaboration in your team. Sending and receiving Briqs just feels good, it's that celebration of the little wins throughout the day that you really need to power through the day :)


super easy to use (directly in Slack), no friction to deploy in our team



Laurent VB
Thanks Julien, the Station team really adopted Briq fully and quickly :-D Your "partly-remote-team" setup also taught us a lot of things.
Alexandre Lachèze

Would love to see more and more Briq based application to engage my colleagues, but fortunately Briq has an API for that!


Simplicity, instantaneity and the API for the builders


No real cons, but can't wait for more Briq apps!

Laurent VB
"Thanks" is such a small word but it makes such a big difference. I am Laurent, the maker, and I am thrilled to release Briq on Product Hunt today! It all started from a simple observation: "thanks" is easy to say, but easier to forget. But when it is received the right way, it really makes your day πŸ™ƒ. πŸ‘‰ Here is how it works: Start by adding Briq to your team's Slack Invite who you want: your team or the entire company! Start spreading recognition with a simple command on slack. The whole team πŸ‘­πŸ‘« and I are ready to answer all your questions! Feel free to share the ❀️ with your friends, the more the merrier πŸ˜‰ Thanks, Laurent
Maylis Amram

It's a real challenge to be the reacher in the office :) who's the best teammate who receives the most briqs?


We use it everyday to thank & congratulate our teammates (for their help, for their good & bad jokes, for a beer...). It's fun & easy!


I don't know.

Joris Renaud (πŸŒ‹ magma.app)

Get more social share is awesome and works well in my slack community. I don't need to ask each community member to share news we need to get awareness. #timesaver

We have ambassadors working for us. It is easier to reward them via their implication in Slack (answer to new members, add documentation on knowledge base).


Rewarding ambassadors from our slack community made easy


That would be awesome to have special offers from companies in the shop

Pierre Noel

You can give briqs for whatever reason you like, this is fun to give some to a collegue that just made a joke or that helped you for something :)


Fun and help to link with people



Ronan Gouello

I have used Briq for a month and love it. Simple rewardful way to say thanks to someone.


being able to say thanks to someone, recognizing their contribution



Felix Jeanne
Briq perfectly answers to the need of recognition between colleagues! A service that is both great and fun.
Meghan Regior

I've been using Briq for a year now almost and it has become second nature to me now. For me Briq is re-inventing the way recognition is spread accross a company.

Why ? Because with Briq, recognition isn't only coming from the top of the organization, but from the team itself.

How ? You can give directly reward a teammate by giving him some Briqs with a Slack Command. For any purpose (Great Job, Bringing Happinness to the Office, Being Helpful...) It's even more efficient when you work with remote people, and include them even more into the company culture.

Briq is more than a product, It's a state of mind, that every company should experience !


simple, easy, recognition, gamified, happiness, viral



Tancrede Le Merrer

Super happy to use Briq @forestadmin to reward my team of lumberjacks for their good work. Keep up the good work briq!


A tool to promote peer-2-peer recognition @work might just be the biggest breakthrough for companies to make their employees happy, LUV'IT!



LΓ© NaΓ―c

Do you have free plan for small teams?


Easy, simply, happiness!



Laurent VB
I'm glad you asked Yes, teams under 15 people can use the whole power of Briq and its apps for free.
Lucien Tavano

Really clean and love the design! Will get my team on board.


Simple, joyful, addictive.


Too fun.


Delighted and faithful user of Briq: it has a huge daily impact on my organisation's and coworkers' wellbeing and happiness.


Makes coworkers happier and closer together; super flexible to suit each organisation's needs and situations


None, yet... ;)

Scott Brills

Working great so far! My team is loving it~


amazing for remote teams



Carlos Rubio MartΓ­

Such a great idea! and integration makes it very easy and useful.

Definitely recommended


Easy to use


none so far