Benjamin Code

Browse YouTube Differently — Browsing creator's videos in a beautiful and fullscreen grid

1. You are on YouTube on a video or a channel you like
2. You want to check what other videos the creator has in store
3. Click on the extension icon and you're done on a page with a beautiful layout with big beautiful thumbnails!
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Benjamin Code
As a YouTuber, I wanted a tool to test my new thumbnail amongst the other and see if it's ok or if something is going wrong with it. I designed that tool for that purpose but soon after I realised that it also provide a new way to experience YouTube. Browsing creators content like this is a lot of fun. I tried it on some account that make the experience amazing like : 1- Colors (music) for the amazing colours and composition of the thumbnails 2- Pewdiepie to discover what is an infinite feed of video looks like 3- Myself to realise that not all my thumbnails are good enough If you find some channel that are very interesting to browse with the extension, juste copy paste the url below and we'll check that! I hope you'll like it!