Shamit Ghosh

btunnel - No more localhost, Welcome to the Internet


Btunnel is a globally accessible reverse proxy that helps you to expose localhost, local folders and locally running tcp app to the internet. Btunnel has build in features like always https url, subdomain registration, geo-location, geo-location and much more.

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Shamit Ghosh
Exposing your app running in any port of your localhost to the internet is very easy using btunnel. This tool gives you power to not only expose an http app, but helps you to share your local filesystem and any TCP app to the internet accessible from anywhere in the world. Why do you need to expose localhost to internet? There are many instances where you would want to such as : 1. Development : Quickly protyping your idea across various devices and locations 2. Collaboration : Pitching a proof of concept to collaborators and investors or having a demo app hosted for some open-source projects in public repository 3. Production : Hassle free deployment from home and protected api/backend/databese, much cheaper to reuse your own hardware than to pay hefty fee to the cloud providers initially We provide CLI client across various OS (*Nix, Windows or Mac). Some useful features included in btunnel are - 1. Always https url 2. Geo-lcoation based url to reduce latency 3. Build in file server with unique UI 4. Customization of request/response headers through cli or config 5. Custom sudomain endpoints 6. Web-GUI based request monitoring Moreover, for the first 100 users we are providing a 50% off for the first 3 months of subscription, use the code - BTUNNELPH04