Deepti Chopra

Marketing Tools - Curated directory of 250+ marketing tools & software

We've curated the list of 250 top marketing tools that marketers should be aware of. This was done by selecting the top 3-8 tools in each category like Email Marketing, Live Chat, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Website Builders etc.

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Deepti Chopra
It is hard to keep up with the ever-expanding list of marketing tools out there- there are about 10000 products categorized as marketing software. We've curated the list of 250 top marketing tools that marketers should be aware of. This was done by selecting the top 3-8 tools in each category like Email Marketing, Live Chat, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Website Builders etc. We hope this list helps you build your Marketing Stack!
Kilian Poulin
Beautiful UI and awesome list, really easy to find some cool tools 🤩
Arda Helvacılar
Very useful and beneficial, good luck people!
Sophie Cox
Srđan Sukara
Great idea, with all the tools emerging everyday, this is going to be helpful for sure!
Olivia Bridges
Thank you for collecting all the amazing stuff for building startups in one place. Nice work! I really loved your product.
Saumo Pal
Great curation! Really helpful
Tom Jacquesson
Great resource, congrats on the launch!
Atul Ghorpade
Just bookmarked. UI and UX looking awesome. Thanks a ton for the curation, BTW team!
@deeptivchopra is nailing again at SEO projects 🔥
Pickle Lyte
Great resource, congrats!
Manuk Sahakyan
Great, congratulations !!
Ghost Kitty
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srilu ghattu
Great tools very helpful. Thank you
Anil Meena
Just exactly what I was looking for... Thanks a lot .. kudo to the launch
Prashil Prakash
Thanks for creating and sharing this resource!
faruk arığ
Great job, good luck
Cihat Akkiraz
Yana  Semour
Huge amount of work! Thanks, guys!