Share text and links between your connected devices, fast
Josias Aurel
Buffered.link β€” Share text between your connected devices quickly and easily
Buffered.link allows you to share text between your devices having access to the internet quickly and easily. It comes with some useful features to satisfy this needs.
Josias Aurel
Please visit this for more : https://josiasaurel.hashnode.dev... This new version includes the following changes - Squashed bugs from old version πŸ› - A new landing page πŸ“ƒ - A UI rebuild πŸͺŸ - Introduces K-bar menu for quick navigation and commands ⌨️ - Moved the main database from Deta Cloud to Planetscale 🍢 - Edit/Delete saved buffer ✌🏽 - The CLI has been re-written from Python to Golang and is now blazing fast ⚑ - Move from Google Analytics to now public Splitbee analytics page 🐝 - Cron service for periodically deleting expired buffers ⌚
that's quite useful... Best wishes!