Justin Jackson

Build & Launch - How do we create things people want? - Three ways to validate your product idea


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Justin Jackson
BTW: Marketing for Developers shipped! It's had an incredible launch. If you'd like a sneak peek: Tiny Wins.
Greg Gilbert
Hey Justin! I already told you but I *love* the ton of this show. And this one's a great episode!
Justin Jackson
@gregoiregilbert thanks man! It's one of my faves too. Makes me miss putting out the show. ;)
Chris Korbey
Just listened to this one (and drove across the east coast with 3 young boys). Great episode!
Justin Jackson
@ckorbey thanks! Glad you liked it. ;)
Benedikt Deicke
Hi Justin! Will there be new season of Build & Launch?
Justin Jackson
@benediktdeicke I've got something new coming soon. Stay tuned. https://twitter.com/buildlaunchp...
Fernando Parra
I beg to disagree @mijustin with part of the advice that's been given in this episode. Asking if SaaS customers will pay for a service is conducive to heaps of false positives. Follows the same "If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said faster horses" kind of pattern (customers don't know what they want or how much would they pay for something in the abstract). I prefer getting currency from customers in the form of time, money and/or reputation. Whenever you can force real behavior is when you're most likely to gauge genuine market validation. My two cents here. I'd love to discuss it with you further.
Justin Jackson
@ferparra I don't think that's what I'm saying at all. ;) I provide more detail on my POV here: http://justinjackson.ca/ultimate... Ultimately, the only validation that matters (for B2B products) is: - if a customers pay you for your product, and keeps paying - if you can find enough of those customers to get to a scalable business model
Fernando Parra
@mijustin maybe I was just carried away by the summary. Awesome article. I'll include it as a resource link in our 60 Day Startup e-mail course :)