Market sentiment analysis powered by AI
Victor Lee
BULL or BEAR — Market sentiment analysis powered by AI
Analyze financial news with sentiment analysis; BULL or BEAR, to know latest market trend. Auto-summarize into sentences and keywords using NLP apis. Know the news. Move the market.
Harpreet Singh
Awesome Product guys
Victor Lee
@harpreetmaan Thanks Harpreet!
Paulo Cesar Silva
Great product. Make my life easier with this great product. Don't have to read long articles.
Victor Lee
Shouquat Mahmoud Mazumder
Leandro Verbinski
Looks like a good product to see the market sentiment and plan a strategy.
Victor Lee
I will become a market leader & will go with Bull Market
Dwayne Charrington
Good Product!
Irina Yelisseyeva
Very interesting project
Ismael Senior
Good product
Ansir Ali
Amazing Project ,Hope will change soon trend in future on a new way.
Maroof Ahmad
such a great initiative and i support it
motiur rahman
i really happy to take part this and i like it.
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Hope you will be successful
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Princess Bade
Promising project I see here
Nuril Always
Recommended product
Delia Gajatri
Good system
Thiago Seben
This tool will help many traders in their daily lives. Congratulations!
Victor Lee
Alex Papageorge
This is super awesome. Are there any integrations with current portfolios? Also, do I need to enter a URL or can I provide a ticker symbol?
Victor Lee
@alex_papageorge Hi Alex, thanks. For this version, just finance new related URL. We might add more additional features such as ticker symbol for aggregation. Another angle i thought was to aggregate the location of search and "news search", to know more info about the search intent itself.
Alex Papageorge
@victor_lee4 That's a good idea, it would be valuable to see the transparency of the two. Keep it up. I like what you're doing.
Mir Rasel
Really this is amazing! I am getting real sentiment and as well as news summarization! Coolll..Thanks developers.
Victor Lee
@mir_rasel Thanks!
David Miller
What a amazing tool, I was looking for such tool for a long time.
Victor Lee
@davidmiller4312 thanks David!