Mars Negrette

The Manager's Guide To Boost Resilience - Keeping the team's cognitive traps at bay.

A free 4-day email course to understand and manage your team's cognitive traps to boost resilience.

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Mars Negrette
Hi, PH community! Have you ever run into the situation of pitching an idea that you think is absolutely great and the other person automatically dismisses it by saying "that's not going to work"? Have you ever been in meetings where you feel like there are irrational reactions that make communication difficult? Or worse, have you ever thought that you are the rational one in an intense work meeting? Traditionally, to explain the causes of this kind of problems people used to rely on explanations like - "We don't really understand what our manager meant, we don't communicate well with him", - "My team is not meeting our set goals, I don't see them acting with the right attitude when delivering tasks" - "Your team seems unmotivated, have you tried providing a motivational workshop?" - "Yes, executive meetings can get pretty heated, but that's just company culture", etc. Many of these issues now find their explanation on more specific frameworks and faster solutions based on understanding that our minds set "cognitive traps" with the goal of helping us. At Yerbo, we have the fortune to have an internal behavioural science team who teach us tons of stuff on how psychological factors impact our daily lives at work. It's been a journey! With so many folks currently adapting to working remotely and with all the uncertainty still present on many fronts, we thought it was the perfect time to publish some of our internal learnings with the world. Please take a look and let us know what you think! What did we miss? What do you want to hear more about? We will be adding more lessons over the next few weeks.