Jeffrey Fermin

The State of Burnout in Tech 2022 - The largest scientific-based assessment of burnout ever


Yerbo’s interactive report provides an amazing visualization of the staggering numbers around burnout among full-time tech professionals. With 2 in 5 workers reporting that they’re at high risk of burnout, it might be interesting to learn why.

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i didn't know reports could look this good!
Marcos Spontón
@shivam_jha3 Yessss they could! :D
Francisco Mendes
@shivam_jha3 Thanks so much for saying that, I've just shared it with our designer and she's very happy right now :) I hope it was insightful too, any feedback let me know!
@francisco_mendes oh yes it was! i did the test and got a 2.6~ it was super helpful because i sometimes would mistake exhaustion as burnout. and the test helped me identify that! - for anyone looking to check out their burnout risk!!
Francisco Mendes
@shivam_jha3 Glad that it helped you and glad that your burnout risk isn't too high! And again, thanks for sharing!
Jeffrey Fermin
So proud of the Yerbo team for this amazing piece of content. I hope that everyone in tech gives this a look and is able to start seeing that they need to take action when it comes to burnout.
Marcos Spontón
@jefffermin Thanks Jeff! Awareness is the key to remove barriers and create healthier management systems so welcome to your hunt!
Mars Negrette
Thanks for the hunt, Jeffrey! Any stat that surprised you?
Jeffrey Fermin
@marsnegrette the big one was around 2 in 5 workers showing signs of burnout. Aside from that one, the more granular one around women being 46% at "high-risk" of burnout is pretty shocking, too.
Pavla Bobosikova
This is so cool and informative!! Really nicely done and points to a serious issue. We’re just at the beginning of the mass adoption of remote work and we’re still learning about what burnout looks like and how to prevent it and help others avoid it.
Marcos Spontón
@pavla_bobosikova Totally agree Pavla! There are 1000 million of knowledge workers, most of them are going to be working remote somehow during the next 10 years, and we need an approach to systematically tackle burnout.
Adam Janower
This report really resonated with me. It described much of my experience at a previous job that I just wasn't able to understand at the time. No questions here, just a thank you for doing this work and spreading awareness/understanding of burnout. I'll be sharing it myself.
Marcos Spontón
@adam_janower Thank you Adam! Gain awareness to share a common language on Burnout is the first step to move toward the direction of creating the most importan Future of Work, one that is source of mental health to everyone.
Alejandra Cienfuegos
This seems really great! Is it available in other languages?
Jeffrey Fermin
@alejandra_cienfuegos I know that the team speaks Spanish & Portuguese. @francisco_mendes would you have it in different languages?
Francisco Mendes
Thanks for tagging me in @jefffermin! Hi @alejandra_cienfuegos the report is available in english only for now, but let me know if you have any specific language you'd like to see it in, or if there's any particular insight that you'd like to have in spanish/portuguese and I'll see how best to help you!
Alejandra Cienfuegos
@jefffermin @francisco_mendes Thank you for the answer Francisco. I was thinking of sharing this in my newsletter and my audience is in Spanish, so if you will have it in that language I may better wait ☺️ The data is very interesting 🙌🏽
Francisco Mendes
@alejandra_cienfuegos I've sent you an email, let's see if I can help you :)
Ghost Kitty
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Marcos Spontón
@j4yav Burnout management is a game of Awareness + Taking Actions. And we take the awareness seriously :)
Dani Schenker🇨🇭
As someone who was struggling with this at times, I found your study very insightful. Also, beautiful website! :)
Marcos Spontón
@danischenker Thank you Dani! Every time that someone avoid learning a bit more about Burnout because the content seems awful, we lose the chance to bring mental wellbeing around that person. It's our call.
CJ Cowan
Looks like a very useful resource!
Marcos Spontón
@cj_cowan I hope so! Any resource good to gain awareness and spread the word is key to move mental wellbeing conversation forward.
Anthony Cintron
Very cool report. Upvoted.
Gaston Zelerteins
Congrats on the launch. There is a lot to do to take care of our tech professionals.
Marcos Spontón
@gzelerteins 100% Gaston. And to take care of ourselves too :)
Christoph Paterok
The website is not working :/ `AccessDenied `
Marcos Spontón
@patte87 It should be working now, thank you!
Probably one of the most important and underestimated problems of our industry. Congratulations @marcos_sponton !
Marcos Spontón
@ezequiel_gutesman 100% The whole mental wellbeing problem is hitting the industry and we need to build scalable solutions to solve it.
Dragos Bulugean
Great format for the report! And it's a real issue, unfortunately not that many people recognize the symptoms for burnout...
Francisco Mendes
@dragos_bulugean yes, you're totally right! That's why we feel it's so important to bring awareness to the problem of Burnout in Tech. Thanks for your support!
Marcos Spontón
@dragos_bulugean Yes! We hope this helps to open meaningful conversations
Danny Vojcak
I have the same issue as Christoph, when I click "Get It" the website says access denied.
Marcos Spontón
@danny_vojcak Yes! It should be working now.
Beautifully done! Great work! Congrats!!!
Francisco Mendes
@vital1188 glad you liked it! We hope the insights are useful for you and your team 💪
Rich Maloy
?makers This was a fantastic report and I shared it with our portfolio companies. I wanted to point out that the chart in the Depersonalization section doesn't match the text. Specifically, "29% of women worry about their job making them emotionally harsher compared to 23% of men. This may lead to a deterioration of relationships in the workplace." Whereas the chart has MALE 29% and FEMALE 23%. I'm not sure which is correct.
Jeffrey Fermin
@rich_maloy thanks for sharing it. I'm going to make sure to communicate this with @francisco_mendes and the team over at Yerbo to fix it up. If any of your portfolio company need some help with burnout peep! Or reach out to me and I can get help out with people opps!
Maria Alexandrova
Super! Congratulations on your launch.
Arman Ayub
Hello sir.......?
Kenta Kawaguchi
Thank you for releasing this it has been extremely helpful. Although I am not in the tech industry, I have a high chance of being in a state of burnout since I have an issue driven mindset since I was young.