
Burst - Chat with people you disagree with


Burst is an app that connects you to people outside your social filter bubble.

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Erick Barron
I'm not grammar expert but I believe it should be "Chat with people you disagree with" πŸ€“
@erickbarron86 you're right hahaha I'll be updating that. Thanks. (I triple checked my reply for grammar issues πŸ˜‰) EDIT: I updated it now
Niv Dror
@erickbarron86 updated βœ…
Peter Feytser
@erickbarron86 Chat with people with whom you disagree
Peter Feytser
@erickbarron86 sounds dumb (and shouldn't be used) but follows the 'don't end with a preposition rule'
This is a really good idea but sometimes talking to fanatic people is like talking to a wall. By the way, congratulations on the release!
@janva255 thanks! Yeah but my guess is fanatic people won't go through the effort of downloading it. Hopefully it'll have more open-minded people than not. For now you can terminate chats. Let me know if you have any suggestions πŸ˜„
Hi, I'm Marawan, co-maker of Burst. Our goal is to build an app that connects you to people outside your social filter bubble. It's important to see both sides of the story from people just like you, and to realise that deep down you have more in common than you expected. We'll be here all day to answer any questions you may have. This is our first big app and any feedback is appreciated. πŸ˜„
@marawan_1997 Love this idea! When is it coming to Android?
@marawan_1997 @arunsathiya Thanks, Arun. We have a rough Android version but since we're only two people working on this we decided to focus on iOS for the time being. We're planning to start working on the Android version soon though. πŸš€
Jordan Rohrlich
This is an incredibly powerful idea, and I like the playful feel of the app (makes it feel more like a chat then a confrontation). Really stunning job, guys!! Would love to give better feedback, but y'all gotta show Android some love 😁😁😁
@jordan_rohrlich thanks a lot man this means a lot to us 😁 we’d love to give Android some love trust me hahaha we already started work on the Android version and I’ll let you know as soon as it’s out! πŸš€
Ariel Jalali
This reminds me of the Monty Python where a man goes in to buy an argument πŸ˜„ But seriously, I love all chat products and at a timelike this we've never needed to embrace diverse viewpoints and human discourse more πŸ‘
@arieljalali haha yeah I watched that today and it cracked me up πŸ˜† thanks!
Nivi Jasa
Cool idea! It's pretty much what I miss every time I post something on Facebook. I try to discuss about topics but apparently most of my friends are on my same page. I'll give it a try!! ✌🏼
@nivi_jasa thanks! Yeah I feel the same on Twitter. All my friends are on the same page as me and I know I'm missing out on a more complete picture of the situation. I really hope you like it, let us know if you have any feedback! 😁
This is a really good idea but sometimes talking to fanatic people is like talking to a wall.
@pavelmoskalev13 Hey, I'm glad our idea appeals to you. When it comes to fanatics we feel like most of them won't bother downloading an app like this, but to make sure that doesn't become an issue we're thinking about ways to identify and block them.
Noah Kim
@pavelmoskalev13 Fanatic is a relative concept, no? I think that logic in this context is often backwards. As humans, we assume people are "fanatics" coming into a conversation, because we were unable to change their minds. When in reality, we assume everyone is normal until the point we realize they happen not to agree with us. Then we label them as fanatics. IMO, one of the biggest problems in our modern culture (specifically in the U.S.). Doesn't matter what side you come from, there's plenty of people like this on all sides.
Jeremy Sh
The screenshots and images you are using on the App Store and in the app are showing up very fuzzy on my iPhone 7. Neat idea, you should expand on this by creating groups so it's not just 1-1 in the future. Maybe 3-3, any bigger you wouldn't be able to follow. Are you by any chance using fire base as a backend here?
@jeremy_sh Hey Jeremy, thanks for pointing that out we'll fix the images asap. We're working on adding group debating but we wanted to release the first version to get some feedback. and yeah we're using firebase hahah what gave it away? 😁
Jeremy Sh
@karimalsaka it auto updates/no pull to refresh. Hope it goes well, excited to see what you guys come up with.
Robert Melkonyan
Not gonna download, but I love the idea :D
@melkonyanrob Hahaha glad you like it but why not download? πŸ’”
Robert Melkonyan
@karimalsaka Debates like these are taking very long time. Ain't got time for that :) But still, great idea!
YouMap Inc.
Not that we want to stoke any fires to rile the internet up even more, but this could be used as a great way to try and gain insight on a topic from a different perspective. Like in any general debate class, the best defense is to learn the motives of your oppenent inside and out. You must be able to win an arguement from the opposing side. This could be a perfect way to prepare for any potential heated holiday dinner debates with loved ones :P
@youmapinc Couldn't agree with you more. We made this app not for people to win arguments, but for them to debate about topics they are interested in and wanna learn more about. A lot of times people believe in their opinions so strongly that they don't even acknowledge the opposite point of view - which is never a good way of looking at the world. We believe that the world would be much nicer - and more peaceful - if people are more empathetic. Thank you for your support, it really means a lot to us πŸ˜„. Any feedback would be very appreciated.
Chris Morrell
Ooph. Only way to check it out is with a Google login. Any plans to change that? I was interested in it until I got to that 4th intro pane, and then just deleted the app…
@inxilpro I'm sorry to hear that. Right now we're working on adding more login options, such as Twitter and Facebook logins, which will be available in the next update and I hope you'd give us another chance then. May I ask why you didn't want to use Google though?
Chris Morrell
@karimalsaka At the point that I'm checking out an app, there's not enough trust established for me to associate something like my Google account with it. Maybe if I had been able to browse around for a while and been asked to authenticate when I wanted to participate, it would have been different. But typically I will use a special-purpose email address when signing up for something like this, so all social logins are out of the question for me. I recognize that I'm in the minority here, but this sentiment comes up pretty frequently on PH, and most services need to offer an "email login" option eventually because enough people prefer it.
Ferdinand Riedl
Hi, I launched an app in May with pretty much the exact same idea:
@ferdinandriedl hey, yeah I remember seeing Thesio on Product Hunt, we'd been working on Burst for a while by then. To call it the "exact same" isn't true though. While Thesio asks you a few questions to match you with other people, we let people match on individual topics.
Ferdinand Riedl
@marawan_1997 Can you send me an e-mail or message me through Twitter? Would be interested to hear about your story.
@ferdinandriedl sure, I tweeted you. Dms aren’t working
@stefanmiodrag Hahaha hopefully those aren't the type of conversations people will have on the app πŸ˜‚