Alexis Ohanian

Business Dad with Alexis Ohanian - Conversations with dads about balancing career & family

In a new podcast from Initialized Capital, Alexis Ohanian opens this question up to some of the most successful men across a variety of industries for candid talk about what it means to be a father in today’s world & how they balance their careers & family.

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Alexis Ohanian
I'm really proud of the work the initialized team did to bring our first podcast to fruition. We finished recording season 1 (ten episodes) and will release a new one every Thursday. Episode 3 drops today and it features a great conversation I had with 2x Super Bowl Champ Justin Tuck. Our previous two guests were also quite great -- Hasan Minhaj and Nicholas Thompson -- and more to come! Please let me know what you think and how we can improve for Season 2.
@alexisohanian Love these! Love the movement being created by it too! More power to you, Alexis! 🙏
Nataliia Sloboziian
This is a game changer! I'm sure this initiative will go further and further! Thank you for this product!
Alexis Ohanian
@natalia_sloboziian Thank you! Excited for this.
Ryan Hoover
I still want Small Empires to return, but this will do in the meantime. 😄 Now that you're a couple years into business dadding (is that a verb?), what's been the biggest learning raising your first child, @alexisohanian?
Alexis Ohanian
@rrhoover Oh that is a throwback... Maybe one day... In the meantime, the biggest learning has been how little my career - my reputation - the companies I've founder and invested in - all matter relative to her well-being. They now all are a way to show her a view into the man her father is, but the view she cares most about is the guy who will chase her around the house or do her hair while she gets to watch a cartoon or play the "boop" game with. It's given me exceptional clarity on what I care about and it's made me have zero tolerance for assholes in the industry, which I know makes me a better VC.
Constantin Schreiber
What a great initiative, I really believe this will go a long way in bringing more attention to this vital topic. Thanks for doing this, Alexis!
Alexis Ohanian
@icostaa appreciate ya! Excited for the 7 more episodes to come in Season 1 - lemme know what you think
tl;dr it helps if you’re really rich
Alexis Ohanian
@docta_v Thanks for listening. The first BusinessDad type conversation I had was actually with my own father, who definitely wasn't and isn't rich. It started my thinking around what would become the podcast. For it to be truly successful, I agree, we'll need to interview more than just wealthy dads who can afford childcare, first class airfare etc etc.
Alexandra Levitsky
Wow that's a great podcast for all business dads and moms. My fave is an episode with Parker Conrad as his business is close to what I do. Thank you Alexis!