Adrian Grant

No longer - Lorem Ipsum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a dolor non odio convallis ullamcorper vel ut metus. Nam suscipit dolor sed egestas fermentum. Vivamus suscipit velit in posuere pulvinar. Duis eget tempus purus.

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Ryan Hoover
Awesome to see this out there, @adriangrant! What type of companies or use cases are you seeing so far? I'm particularly curious if you're seeing this work for direct response advertising vs. just brand awareness.
Adrian Grant
@rrhoover Thanks Ryan! Given our locations tend to be startup hangouts, the advertisers we're seeing so far are startups themselves hoping to gain traction in the startup ecosystem. It's a bit too early to tell where this is working, but our vision (especially with our API release) is to be able to accomplish both brand awareness and direct response use cases!
Mohamed Merzouk
So excited to see this coming to life!
Adrian Grant
@hassenmerzouk thanks Mohamed! 🙌🏾
Cam Burley
ooh this is really cool -- I could see myself buying some time and uploading a game to one of these screens!
Adrian Grant
@codecamcode Dope Cam! Looking forward to seeing it in action!! I see you've already signed up for API access, but for those that haven't, visit
Cam Burley
@adriangrant would be cool to know what I can scan the barcode with on this page:
Adrian Grant
@codecamcode that's a good idea! In the States, as you're aware, most folks don't know what to do with a QR code (even though the iOS camera now ships with one built in). This is an opportunity for us to educate folks. Good tip! Thanks!
Cam Burley
@adriangrant yeah, I had no idea iOS has it baked into the camera. That’s dope!
I don’t get it. It appears that it’s a tablet randomly stuck to a wall. The trailing cable looks horrible. I’ve clearly missed something.
Adrian Grant
@mickc79 Nope, you're spot on! We're tablets, on walls, in reception areas, etc. Yea the trailing cable is getting fixed. This is one of those "launch and iterate" quickly endeavors...we're in a public alpha and working hard to polish things up as we go.
Sumeet Shah
@adriangrant is one of the sharpest founders I know. It's part of the reason why Comcast snagged him for Catalyst. So glad to see this secret project come to light, dude. Side note: we need to chat about this. ;-)
Adrian Grant
@pe_feeds Thanks for the kind words bro! Yea will ping you in a bit for a catch up
Zach Swetz
How does the experience work for advertisers? Any ability for people to enter an email or subscribe or anything like that?
Adrian Grant
@swetzequity 👋🏾 Zach. Great question! Currently people can scan a QR code and get directed to whatever URL you like. Soon we'll have the ability to do the same via SMS shortcode. As we roll-out the API, developers will have a full-range of interactivity to choose from (details on that coming shortly). Hope this clarifies
Zach Swetz
@adriangrant cool, is there a rev share agreement with the venues they are located in? Any stats on number of “passerby’s” built into the tablet?
Adrian Grant
@swetzequity Yup we do rev share splits with venues. Our "passerby" estimates for the most part come from venues as they have the best data.
Awesome @adriangrant!
Adrian Grant
@jerdogxda thanks Jeremy!