BuzzFeed's product description: "This garbage can is phenomenal. Absolutely fantastic trashcan. Made of steel -- sourced internationally, but will be domestically sourced within the next 4 years." 😂
For context for those who haven't seen Trump's speech... earlier today Trump called BuzzFeed "a failing pile of garbage"
...and BuzzFeed proceeded to troll Trump hard with this trashcan 😂
@nivo0o0 Thanks for the context. For the sake of my sanity & productivity, I've blocked Trump from my waking life so that he only lives in my nightmares. 😂 😂 😂
Loving Buzzfeed's commerce strategy. Leverage its brand, creativity, and distribution to create products their audience wants to buy.
Another example: the Fondoodler is pretty awesome.
Loved the reviews on the site:
"This trash can, it's the best can. We're seeing the other cans, they're so much better than our trash cans - you wouldn't believe. And they're all laughing at us. We can't even have our trash in a can, people, okay? We've got to do something about this. And this can is what we're gonna do. It's the highest quality can, higher quality than any other can you've seen - and we'll have more details on that later. The picture here is fake - the can is HUGE, not some measly little thing like they show on the news. Nothing tiny about it, I can assure you that. We're going to make America trash again, okay?"
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