Bynder Orbit 2.0 - No more messy folders. All you need is Orbit.
Introducing categories, channels, and collections with Bynder Orbit. A more productive way to work with your files, all for free.
Introducing categories, channels, and collections with Bynder Orbit. A more productive way to work with your files, all for free.
Happeo intranet
Happeo intranet
Web3 Seems Legit
Happeo intranet
Helps keep me organized and change up how I find what I'm looking for as my bank of items grows
Pros:Easy to tag, search without 'losing' items in nested folders, and group relevant items collections
Cons:To fully 'unlock' you need to pay
Orbit is a great tool for both professional and daily usage. You can store work-related files and being sure everything is safe and secure. And if you have a second private account you can store your holidays photos in nice collections. It's a great alternative to Google Docs.
Pros:Awesome if you want to store tons of images, group, sort and structure them.
Cons:Some great functionalities are still under construction or limited to a paid version.