Kevin William David

FontPairings.ByPeople - Hassle-free mix, preview & download trendy font combinations

FontPairings is a free tool that you can use to find, preview and download carefully-curated font combinations. Visualize them live on several categories of website templates to make sure they fit your project, and download them

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William Perez
Fantastic tool, definitely a must have one for any web designer ! Would it be possible to include or upload our own custom font in a future update?
Juan Sarmiento
@williampv Thank you William ! we were trying to launch with that specific option but is didn;t work good enough, we are improving it to make it available in the next launch.
@williampv @juanpablosarmi custom fonts can be challenging to work with. We’ve run into the same challenge and de-prioritized for launch as well. Smart choice.
Juan Sarmiento
@williampv @tela definitely, we are still working through it because that's a feature that users request very often. Can I ask you how you're approaching that issue?
@williampv @juanpablosarmi we’re still thinking it through but don’t have an approach yet. This is a problem lots of projects have. Maybe we could collaborate on creating an open source solution
Juan Sarmiento
@williampv @tela that would be amazing ! Let's discuss it ✌️
Anatolii [ @Bootstraptor ]
hey @juanpablosarmi congrats! a must-have tool for web designers, one of the best interfaces works like a charm!
Juan Sarmiento
@bootstraptor Dude, you always supporting our work ! :) thanks for the kind words. Is there any improvement you could suggest in the UX ?
Anatolii [ @Bootstraptor ]
@juanpablosarmi I don’t see what can be improved at the moment I will use and if I find I will give an answer while in my opinion, everything works intuitively and simply as you expect even on mobile I’m even thinking of introducing something similar in my application, good work! 👍keep going you always make very useful services
Juan Sarmiento
@bootstraptor That would be great, if I can help with that UX would be terrific, just let us know ;) we have been trying that kind of sidebars for the mobile version and they worked really good :)
Anatolii [ @Bootstraptor ]
@juanpablosarmi I would also recommend adding to the modal window that appears after downloading fonts share buttons (social networks, etc) it can add some virality
Juan Sarmiento
@bootstraptor sure thing, we will add it today !!
Juan Sarmiento
Thanks so much @kevin for hunting us! We started this project as a means to visualize the font sets we were using on Freebies.ByPeople and other projects we are working on, but we figured others may find it useful as well so we've made it available to everyone :-) Basically what this tool does is help cut the time you spend on typography research/testing with holy fire by making it easy to find good looking combinations of fonts to apply on a website - simply go to FontPairings.ByPeople, load a sample theme from the menu, and pick your poison: there's a listing of 100+ pre-made font combinations carefully selected by our in-house design ninjas, readily available at the sidebar so you can find the ideal match without too much of a hassle. Among other great features in Font Pairings you'll find: - Several website layout templates to see the font matchings according to your website's category - Premade font-pairings, chosen by our professional design ninjas - hop between font combinations easily, like a bunny. Bunnies hop. This metaphor works. Test your titles & body text size separately - no awkward font sizes, promise. - The test theme layouts are fully responsive, so test away on different device screens! - You can download your Font Pairing directly - find killer typography for your website, app, or landing page of your next pet project Hope you guys find it useful, please let us know your feedback or general rants about the tool, and thanks to everyone who helped us test it :-)
Musharof Chowdhury
Simple and useful tool. Good work Juan
Juan Sarmiento
@musharofchy Thanks friend ! I see AyroUI getting a lots of votes here :) Whats your next release ?
Musharof Chowdhury
@juanpablosarmi You are welcome dude. Yeah, I am amazed to see getting votes even after weeks of launching :D Next is PageBulb, working on it and share about it on DM ;)
Juan Sarmiento
@musharofchy What is PageBulb about ? give us a preview ;)
Collin Farra
This is very useful @juanpablosarmi any plans to turning into a plugin?
Juan Sarmiento
@collin_farra jumm, that might work! maybe a JS plugin ? or something for sketch ? figma ? etc ? What do you think can be more useful
Collin Farra
@juanpablosarmi Will be great to have somthng on figma, it is possible?
Juan Sarmiento
@collin_farra that would be possible yeah, did you have something particular in mind?
Artem Stenko
OWww Very simple and nice utility! Good luck guys!
Juan Sarmiento
@artem_stenko Thanks Artem ! feel free to download the fonts you like the most, no problem about licensing. all of them are SIL compatible !
Peter Rami
This is an awesome product!! I love selecting a theme and seeing how my selected fonts look! Saves me so much time!! A must have for any web designer!! A+++
Juan Sarmiento
@peter123456789 Peter, thanks ! i'm sure you can use it in your next projects, BTW, which new project are you working on right now ?
Daniel H
@juanpablosarmi It's looking great, loved the combinations, keep up the good work! Any chance I can upload my own combinations?
Juan Sarmiento
@hernandez_creativos Hello Daniel, yes, we are working in that feature, not actually to upload a font combination but custom fonts. ;)
Danny Bañol
Hey, nice tool! It would be perfect if there was a way to make it work with custom fonts and custom templates
Juan Sarmiento
@danny_banol Thanks man! We've received tons of requests for that feature so we will probably work on it for the next release. Which other feature would you like to see added to this tool? Any feedback is much appreciated!
Francarlos Jose Blanco Herrera
how about custom fonts? it would be great if i could upload my own fonts to preview them within the tool
Juan Sarmiento
@francarlos_jose_blanco_herrera right now the tool doesn't support custm fonts but this is a popular feature request and we are definitely adding this on the next release !
Kesara Wimal
Cool 😃
Juan Sarmiento
@kesara_wimal Great that you like it :)
Usama Khalid
Useful tool for me because i get confused among many choices. Wish there was an option to add our own website url so it will preview the font on our own website. Maybe in next update. Good luck!
Juan Sarmiento
@usama_khalid Usama, thats a great feature to be added, we will kep it in mind for a future version, do you know about a similar tool with that option ?
Francarlos Jose Blanco Herrera
Excellent app, like it a lot the combinations are great and I can think of a few uses for it. Where are you guys pulling the downloads from?
Juan Sarmiento
@francarlos_jose_blanco_herrera Hey Fran, all the fonts are available from the google fonts directory, so that they are licensed free, we ensure the license allows us to redistribute the fonts directly from our server ;)
Sergej Skrjanec
Really love this tool, thx for making it! Great to see how various font combos work in different scenarios 👍
Juan Sarmiento
@sergej108 Thanks for your support Segej, Ana told me you are working in a new project, please keep me posted, always open to check and give some feedback !
Sergej Skrjanec
Sure thing @juanpablosarmi. We've got something in the works for later this year – will definitely keep you looped in ✌️
Juan Sarmiento
@sergej108 amazing ! Will be pending of you work, as I also love working with svg and animations 🎛️
Tetyana Gonchar
Great tool, @juanpablosarmi! I've already resent the link to our designer.
Juan Sarmiento
@t_gonchar Oh thats great, finding new font combinations is a time consuming task ;)
durvesh naik
Looks solid man
Juan Sarmiento
@imdnaik Thank you !
Artem Galenko
Awesome app @juanpablosarmi , extremely helpful and working really well
Juan Sarmiento
@unrealartemg thanks ! just in case it's fully responsive ;) in case you wnat to try on moibile.
Omar Farook
Font pairing is a pain for both non-designers and even pro-designers. This is going to be super useful for those who want a very functional font pair for their brand or any project!
Juan Sarmiento
@omar_farook thanks Omar, coming from you, that means a lot ! Hope you can find it useful for your next projects! and maybe we can work together ;)
Daniel Jimenez
Awesome tool, the interface is easy to navigate. Quick question, are you guys planning on adding more features to this or is this a final version?
Juan Sarmiento
@daniel_jimenez3 Daniel, actually this is a side project, which is part of a biggest release, anyhow some of the most commons suggestion we have received is to have the option to enter a custom URL, which is kind of technically tricky, but we think it can be added in the second release or in the main project :)
edward jurado
Great tool congratulations :) this is perfect for my desings :)
Juan Sarmiento
@edward_jurado That's great, glad you find it useful! Let me know if there's any feature request you'd like to send our way, we are taking notes for the next release ;)