Kevin William David

Freebies.ByPeople - Commercial-use freebies for devs & designers.

Freebies.ByPeople is a curated collection of freebies for designers & developers where you can find all kinds of useful assets such as icons, fonts, GUI kits, templates, graphic goodies and more, all for personal/commercial use.

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Hanna Welch
Thanks for this interesting project!
Juan Sarmiento
@hanna_welch Thanks Hanna, we worked a lot to get all the stuff curated and selected, I hope the resources can be handy, don't miss the fonts, there are pretty neat ones ;)
Juan Sarmiento
@hanna_welch Maybe you can find something useful for your filewhooper project ;)
Juan Sarmiento
@hanna_welch BTW, I really (REALLY) need FileWhooper, we usually handle files of even several GB in our deals.
Hanna Welch
@juanpablosarmi Sorry for the late reply! Hope you have a great start of the week :) Recently we have launched the FileWhopper Beta version With FileWhopper Beta you can send up to 3 files or folders of up to 1TB each for free. Also, you can add additional services to your transfers, like more downloads or more days of storage, for free. More transfers will be available when the full version is released with no need to buy a monthly storage plan, just pay a one-time fee based on file size. Please do not worry, your free transfers will not be lost after the full version is released and they will continue to be free. Your feedback on our project is very appreciated and if you are interested in further collaboration drop me message here or email
Juan Sarmiento
@filewhopper @hanna_welch Hope you've had a great monday too, and that's great, thanks for the info! We will be using it for sure, it's way too useful to miss out on it. Will also have feedback for you soon :-)
Juan Sarmiento
Hey @Kevin, thank you so much for hunting us! When we started working on Freebies.ByPeople, we thought of it as a side project for our website; however, it began to gradually turn into a great opportunity to launch a fresh, well-crafted website with all the essential features that we as designers could think of: 🚢 Focus on a clean & organized interface that people can navigate easily 🚅 Make sure that its loading times are blazing fast ⛵ Use a pleasant color palette that looks and feels great 🚴 Craft trendy illustrations to demonstrate our vision ✈️ Use fluid animations to keep the eye interested :) Not only is it a big deal for us to officially launch our new website, but also that we're doing it right after reaching one of the first milestones that we set out to accomplish when we first started this project: putting together 1000+ of the best freebies in a single place, all free-for-commercial use, which we handpicked to only the best quality assets that fellow designers & developers like us can use to save some time while searching for and testing new tools/resources. You'll find stuff like: ✅ CSS snippets & code plugins ✅ Professional fonts & vector icons ✅ Tons of UI kits & templates in HTML/CSS, Figma, XD, Sketch & Ai formats ✅ Great WordPress themes and plugins ✅ Awesome looking 3D models & renders Now that we have launched, I gotta say I'm pretty excited and appreciate all the feedback and roasting that you guys can send our way, and wanted to give special thanks to everyone who took the time to cheer us up on the road and pointed out errors we missed!
Ryzal Yusoff 🇬🇧🇲🇾
Great resources! Thanks @juanpablosarmi for making this!
Juan Sarmiento
@ryzalyusoff so glad you liked it!
Juan Sarmiento
@ryzalyusoff BTW i checked out Veggsocial, loved the idea!
Juan Sarmiento
@ryzalyusoff oh definitely, been considering to go meatless myself for a while now :-)
Nikola Stojković 🇷🇸
This'll come in handy for sure. Lots of resources, very well organized. UI is fast and sleek. Speaking of available stuff and the quality - keep up the good work, @juanpablosarmi :)
Juan Sarmiento
@stojkovic Nikola ! thanks for your comment, hope you can find useful tools for your next project :)
Juan Sarmiento
@stojkovic maybe for Freelancer's Dashboard... ? BTW, I NEED a freelancer's dashboard hahah
Juan Sarmiento
@stojkovic Waiting for it ;)
Darshan Gajara
That's a vast directory of freebies. Thanks for putting this together.
Juan Sarmiento
@weirdowizard Darshan, thanks a lot for your feedback, it was HARD to put it together, but I think we have achieved a pretty good collection :)
Juan Sarmiento
@weirdowizard Although not that disruptive as your launchings ;)
Kesara Wimal
very useful project 💜. You can add these services as well n
Juan Sarmiento
@kesara Kesara, are those projects you made ?
Juan Sarmiento
@kesara BTW, which profiles are you hiring, maybe I can share the information in our twtter.
Juan Sarmiento
@kesara owhich projects are you looking to promote? Send me a message, maybe we can work something out!
Omar Farook
Love this idea, already I can see some awesome collections from my favourite digital assets companies such as Lstore. To have many similar freebie creatives in one place is super useful!
Juan Sarmiento
@omar_farook Omar, yes ! we even have a deal with some of their products :) actually I'm a fan too. Did you check the animation in your mobile phone, it works with the accelerometer ;)
Juan Sarmiento
@omar_farook Thanks Omar :) great you liked it, hope you can use some of the resources in Glorify and your next projects.
Musharof Chowdhury
Hi JP, Congrats on the launch! I follow your newsletter regularly. Best wishes man. Musharof from UIdeck
Juan Sarmiento
@musharofchy really? that's great :) Please keep posted with the newsletter, we are close to announce some other great free project ;)
Miguel Angel Carrero Medina
Amazing! Tons of useful resources for my projects. A site to check every day.
Juan Sarmiento
@miguel_angel_carrero_medina Mike, Thanks !! wptg is on its way to be launched here !!
Juan Sarmiento
@miguel_angel_carrero_medina once we finished the layout builder :)
Nel Martinez
One of the biggest and most amazing curated resource's site i've checked so far.
Juan Sarmiento
@nel_martinez THANKS bro ! don't miss the fonts section, it's actually my preferred one.
Danny Hoower Viasus Avila
I try your products and love it, amazing resources and high quality ever!
Juan Sarmiento
@danny_hoower_viasus_avila Thanks Danny, hope to see your projects soon here! I will be the first commenter jeje promise!
Luis Camacho
Just started using this, this is a super cool product. Pretty much right in line with what @juanpablosarmi states in his comment. Good work!
Juan Sarmiento
@luis_camacho thanks Luis ! Great you like it :) btw, I have a saas that needs to scale 🚀 we need to talk.
Luis Camacho
@juanpablosarmi I think a lot of people will be able to benefit from this! & Oooo send me a PM I can help with that🚀
Deepak Srinivasan
Really good curated selection of commercial use resources, which comes handy for startups !
Juan Sarmiento
@thisis_ads Thanks Deepak ! yes, we curated a lot of resources, it's actually a time consuming task ;) but is even good for us and the tea, to have a great selection of resources to use. Did you check the fonts section ?
Vlad Nikitin
best icons, I have ever seen)
Juan Sarmiento
@questionspro Thanks Vlad :)
Juan Sarmiento
@questionspro There are few that might useful for QuestionsPro ;)
Mike Dane
Nice collection of tools !
Juan Sarmiento
@mikedane7 Mike, thanks for the words, would it fit in one of your collections ? maybe great hunts ? hahaha ;)
This is awesome. Some one needed to do this. A unified database of free resources. Btw at 80% zoom on Google Chrome the search bar has a lot of white space above it. Because of that some of the items seem to be hidden on my screen. Might want to fix it :)
Juan Sarmiento
@ptrenko thanks for the feedback, however im not being able to reproduce the error, can you share a screenshot ?
Juan Sarmiento
@ptrenko where did you send ?
Juan Sarmiento
@ptrenko got it ! thanks, it was intentional jejeje ;)
Sonya Eldarova
very useful product! Like the UI
Juan Sarmiento
@sonya_eldarova Sonya, thanks, it's a very so,ple UI but i really like the final result. Thanks for commenting
Juan Sarmiento
@sonya_eldarova Playeasy looks really nice BTW, congratulations!
Luisa Sanchez
Very useful products curated ByPeople
Juan Sarmiento
@luisa_sanchez Thanks Luisa!
high-quality freebies, amazing website
Juan Sarmiento
@luqa thanks Luca ! hoping FeedBat can take advantage of some of our resources !
jorge luis mendez
A place to take ideas and learn a lot of things to go through here
Juan Sarmiento
@jorgeluismendez Thank you so much Jorge !