Julia Roy

Calm - Beautiful and simple guided meditations


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Ryan Hoover
Really sorry to do this, Julia, but it appears this was already posted ~3 months ago here: http://www.producthunt.co/posts/85 We have a known bug with older posts that don't get caught in our dupe check. In the future, any duplicates (based on the URL domain) should be covered.
Julia Roy
I should use the search tool to keep that from happening again.
Julia Roy
I mean I WILL use the search tool before posting from now on. Thanks!
Ryan Hoover
Haha, no worries! It's 100% our fault.
Julia Roy
Question: What about significant updates to tools/apps that have been posted? For example, f.lux seriously updated their Mac app adding more customization and tons of new effects and adjustments. http://justgetflux.com/news/page...
Ryan Hoover
That's a tough one, tbh, as it's a subjective as to what's considered significant enough. Big updates to prominent products (e.g. Snapchat 6.1 or Instagram Direct) are great. Use your best judgement. :)