Itzel Yrev

Campfire - Build a bond with new old friends.


A Trusted Support Group With People Like You

Campfire gives you support for the biggest challenge in your life, from a small group of trusted peers who share that challenge.

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Niharika Maggo
I love the model. In my personal mental health journey support groups have played a huge role but they've usually been about broader topics. I like how Campfire deals with one particular mental illness in each support group. Also, to know that we're all in this together, even though sitting in different countries is reassuring. Great work @stingle @pourasghar. I'll be happy to help, if needed, in any possible manner :)
Niharika Maggo
Things that came to my mind immediately: - I like the idea - Like a book club - but about our real stories. You should build more on it. - A very important thing - you mention get immediate help just once and at the bottom of the page. For a person going through a mental illness, anything anytime can act as a trigger. Maybe even the idea of talking to 5 strangers. So, you should put the immediate help link somewhere above as well. Hope these help. I'll be looking forward to what comes next for Campfire :) @pourasghar
Jake Crump
This seems really interesting. @itzel_yrev Have you gotten a chance to try it out?
Benjamin Stingle
@itzel_yrev @jakecrump Hi All! I'm a founder of Campfire. AMA, and would be great if you could add me as a maker. You can reach me at -
Asher Harris
Woah, this looks like a very useful app. Essentially upgrading message boards. Will keep an eye on this.
Benjamin Stingle

Disclosure, I'm a founder :)


It's awesome!


Most people aren't familiar with this experience

Matthias Orgler
Awesome! 🤩❤️
Benjamin Stingle
I'm a founder of Campfire - Would love to hear feedback / questions!