Jason Louro

Campfire - A revolutionary story planning software for writers.


Designed to be a revolutionary writing software for novelists and screenwriters to plan out their stories, Campfire provides its users with character development, plot design, and worldbuilding tools.

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TheGamingSwordsman 261
Hello @jason_louro , Campfire does look interesting but I do have on question. Why is this program not available on mobile devices such as phones? Would it not be more beneficial for it to also be mobility accessible for writers may come up with an idea and want to instantly admit to a story.
Jason Louro
@thegamingswordsman_261 We are considering making a mobile version. This Desktop version has served as a good test of market demand, so moving forward we can make more informed decisions on whether our users want a mobile version, and what such an app would look like!
TheGamingSwordsman 261
Dear @jason_louro, Thank you for replying. Also that reasoning does make sense. I do have another question though. I first noticed that this application is a pay to use membership. If you were to make a free version, (for those who do not have access to a Credit/Debit account, such as myself for I am 17, or do not have the money to continue their account, because of job instability or etc) what parts of the program would be limited?
Jason Louro
@thegamingswordsman_261 Actually, the application is a one-time cost. Pay once and you have it forever!
TheGamingSwordsman 261
Dear @jason_louro, Oh. Well thats good to know, because usually a program you pay for is a membership and is a repeated charge.
@thegamingswordsman_261 @jason_louro But what parts of the program would be limited if free? You didn't answer. :/
Kris Lee Brown
Hello Jason Louro, (sheesh, my auto-correct hates your last name. Haha) I just recently purchased Scrivener and absolutely love it as my word processing program. I see that yours does not have a word processor, so that is not an issue of mine, like others. What I am wanting to know is why I should invest in your program as apposed to figuring out adding notes to Scrivener. I currently use OneNote and it is infuriating that I am limited to a measly 3 categories. I have 4 "notebooks" for what should be one notebook. Anyway, I digress. What advantages do you bring to the table that neither OneNote, nor Scrivener can provide and make your program indispensable? (Mind you I am asking as an interested investor that wants nothing more than to simplify my writing experience.)
Jason Louro
@klb92 Hi Kris - I see you messaged me privately as well. I just responded on that channel, but to summarize what I said, integration is our specialty! Scenes are linked to the locations they take place and the characters that play a role in them, characters are linked to the locations they were born in, etc!
Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @jason_louro, Are there certain types of writers that use this type of software more often than others?
Jason Louro
@jacqvon Novelists and Screenwriters both find Campfire to be very useful. Sci-Fi and Fantasy writers have a special fondness for it, though, due to the worldbuilding tools. Worldbuilding is notoriously difficult, and good software tools for it are rare. Hope that helps!
Jake Wang
Looks interesting! The downloadable zip file is around 187MB, which seems very big. I'm curious which technology are you using to build this tool?
Jason Louro
@jake_w Hi - the reason for that is that the software is built in Electron (https://electronjs.org), which tends to produce rather large deliverables. Also, the ZIP file comes with both Mac and Windows installers.
Jason Louro
Also - please feel free to reach out with questions, comments, and suggestions! I plan on improving Campfire over the coming months, so all feedback is welcome.
Kyrt Ryder
@jason_louro would love to try this out but my workstation (which is offline, my only internet is on my phone and I prefer it that way) keeps getting stuck at the registration screen. Does this mean the paid version can't be registered offline either? Not that I'm likely to buy if I can't try, but from everything I've seen this seems like it is something I'd love to add to my toolbelt... If I could get it to work without internet...

This creator's got me feeling so... unimportant. So small. I hate when creators forget poorer people.


It has amazing features. The fact it helps you organize your story so neatly is amazing!


The creator assumes all writers are able to throw money at this on a whim. Some writers don't have jobs, like me (or younger people).

Justin Runyon
Very interesting program must to say! I tried trial version and like it! Especially it is good if recall that it was created by a 19 year old student! I work at https://prowritingservice.com/ and wanted to ask if there are any discounts for buying several licenses at once?
Miguel Suarez-solis
It looks awesome but I would love this on my phone or tablet... I write on my tablet and would love to have an app to reference on my phone