Congrats on the release, @shanndfox and team. Just in time for the holidays.
It's an interesting model to curate products solely found on Amazon. Without revealing too much, this is something we've thought about at Product Hunt.
Part of the beauty in focusing just on Amazon is that Amazon/Prime customers will have a reliable and consistent experience. But do you plan to expand to other stores/content sources?
@rrhoover@shanndfox Hey Ryan, thanks for the comment—love PH, btw.
We're focused on created the best shopping/discovery experience and, for the reasons you mentioned, keeping Canopy Amazon-only makes things super consistent and rewarding. One of our principles when we started was that we wouldn't duplicate features that Amazon already does well—which is why you don't find star ratings or reviews on Canopy. Instead, we can devote all our time to figuring out the best ways to browse and discover products.
While we definitely entertain expanding to other stores and verticals, we think there's so much more potential with our current model that we're best served by continuing to stay focused.
Happy to answer more questions!
@brianarmstrong Really like this app. To your point about not duplicating features, I think that makes a lot of sense. However whenever I find myself saying things like that, I wonder if it is a train of thought that only makes sense from a maker's birds-eye POV, and not that of a user. *I* understand the ecosystem at large, but my user is just looking at the screen and wondering why something they want is missing. Haven't quite resolved that in my head, but will be interesting to see what you guys add over time.
Would love this to link to the amazon app instead of safari!
Really good, thoughtful points @emablekos. We have had some requests to bring star ratings over from Amazon, and are open to it. The principle of not duplicating things that Amazon does well would just mean we wouldn't create our own star rating and review system. We're focused on creating value in new ways rather than trying to compete with an already good solution.
We're looking into linking into the Amazon app, as an option. Definitely agree that'd be a big win. The other, related thing we're going to do is add a share extension so you can add a product to Canopy directly from on iOS (and possibly from the Amazon app too).
@brianarmstrong Sounds good! Maybe the fact you have chosen them is a proxy for the star ratings, you never feature an item with less than 4 stars. Not sure. Perhaps you simply 'curate' good amazon reviews? Or figure out a way to show the amazon review of Canopy users, etc. Did you guys reshoot any of this yourselves?
@emablekos Right now our process for this pretty organic. We definitely pull a given product when there's a consensus it's not great. That might happen based on bad reviews, or a tweet from someone we trust. Star ratings on Amazon actually aren't a 100% reliable—sometimes a good product has a bad rating because it only has a few reviews and one reviewer was made about the price or something.
Showing Amazon reviews by Canopy users is a super interesting idea.
With this first release for iOS, we’re really just scratching the surface of what we can do. We’ll quickly be adding more functionality, like our Featured page, following, and full optimization for iPad. Would love to hear what you think!
@lewisflude Hey Lewis, thanks for the question. Support for the UK and other international Amazon stores is in development and will be one of the first things we release in 2015.
It's a little more complicated than just swapping prices because Amazon's regional catalogs are different and curating multiple catalogs is significantly more complex. But it's a problem we're excited to solve—we know it's going to make a huge difference for all our users outside of the US.
In the meantime, we have a temporary stop-gap: when you click to go to Amazon from the web, if we detect you're coming from the UK and has the product, we'll send you to the Amazon UK.
I'm planning an eurotrip at the end of this year, perfect timing... Liking the app so far, but I hate the logo/icon. It doesn't feel like I'm downloading a road trip app. it feels more like a corporate app, and not fun at all. Also, Its annoying when I make a mistake writing a name on the search, it deletes everything I wrote when I try to delete the last letter.
Congrats. Beautiful app. While deep linking to the Amazon app would have a consumer benefit, I think it will be hard to carry forward affiliate tracking with that method. Noticed that you take the consumer out of the app completely and launch Safari right now. Doesn't the affiliate ID carry forward if you launch it as a WebView that the user can then X to gracefully close?
@joshbarkin Hey Josh, sorry I missed your comment. We're getting ready to release an update that will include the option to open Amazon links within Canopy (in additional to launching Safari or Chrome). The only problem with the WebView is that you'll have to sign in to Amazon again, but overall, I think it's a better experience. Once you've signed in to Amazon once, it's good from then on. Thanks!
I already browse Canopy at least a few times a week, and with this app - it'll be daily now! Awesome work @brianarmstrong, @shanndfox, and team! Do you plan to add the ability for posting new products within app, or will it stay focused on browsing / curation?
Great to hear that @cpwt. We haven't announced this because it only works on iOS 8, but if you copy an Amazon URL and then go back to the Canopy app, a popup action sheet will show up and you can add the product to Canopy from there. Check it out and let me know what you think.
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