Ralph Lehnert

CapitalConnector.ai - Access to 75,000+ VCs, angels, mentors, accelerators & more

Find the best investors for your startup in seconds. CapitalConnector lets you access 75,000+ investors and advisors, helps manage your outreach, and even takes care of writing intro emails for you. Get started taking your business to the next level today!

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Ralph Lehnert
Hey Product Hunters! Ralph here 👋 I am thrilled to finally launch our new platform, CapitalConnector. We would love to hear from anyone directly on why you are using our product if it is useful to you, and how we could improve it. We only win if you win - so you are not just a customer to us but rather a life-long business partner. Simply put, CapitalConnector.ai can: 1. Find your best match investors from a list of over 75,000 VCs, advisors, angels and more 2. Create intro email recommendations based on mutual intererest 3. Manage your outreach all centrally from our platform
Ghost Kitty
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Ralph Lehnert
@colinwinhall We were not mass-spamming the launch. If you don't mind, please forward the emails to support@bytient.com so we can investigate your claims. We also just manually blocked you from any future contact through any of our systems. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused!
Ghost Kitty
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Ralph Lehnert
@colinwinhall Thank you for pointing that out and for taking some more time to send additional details. I had my team look into it, and our mail provider did, in fact, send a duplicate by accident to our list (due to human setup error). We will send an apology email to everyone affected soon (select part of our outreach list). Again, in your case, you are confirmed to be permanently removed from all outreach. It never should have happened, and I will make sure to have my team be more careful moving forward. Apologies again!
Heidi Liou
It writes emails for me too!? Amazing. Keep up the awesome work team :)
Ralph Lehnert
@hheyimheidi Thank you for your words :)
Aleksandr Cryptoved I WAODAO
Congrats with launch! And can it be used for crypto startup?
Ralph Lehnert
@cryptoved Thank you! And yes, it can. You can take a look at the database for free - and then pay to get contact information and more details if you like what you see.
Spinnr App
we look forward to seeing if this can help us raise a round for our startup!
Ralph Lehnert
@spinnr Thanks! My team and I look forward to hearing back!
Carter Wang
wow Really impressive idea! Would it be okay to include your product in my directory (URL: producthunt.com/products/wikigpt3). Take a look and let me know which category fits - I'm sure others would love to discover your product too!
Georgy Marchuk
I've never signed up for any mailing list related to this product, yet, I'm getting emails about the launch and follow-ups. I understand that getting traffic for the launch can boost the upvotes, but spamming people from an email list you've bought from some scraper is not the way.